PSY404 Final Term Past Paper all in one Mega file


:Psy404 Solved Paper - Final term 2012 (1) #Subjective

Q1 deficite in conceputual social and see in mental skill?
Q2 what do you know about the prodromal phase of schizophrenia?
Q3 how anxiety and fear are different form each other?
Q4 what is your understanding regarding diagnosis by exclusion?
Q5compernsive of mental retardation?

:Psy404 Solved Paper - Final term 2012 (2) #Subjective

difference between depression and sadness(5 marks) difference between schizoid and shizotypal personality (3 marks) what is behavior medicine?give one example(2+1) difference between forgetting and dissociative dementia.

points to be taken into consideration for conducting experiments on animals(5 marks) justify if diagnosis of personality disorder is an effortless task?(5 marks) what is externalized disorder?give symptoms.(3 marks) treatment of PDD?

:Psy404 Solved Paper - Final term 2013 (1) #Objective

1)Which therapy originally was promoted as a third force in psychotherapy. a)Beck’s cognitive therapy .

b) Rational emotive therapy.

c)Humanistic psychotherapy .(pg:97)

d) Gestald therapy.

2)-------------- involve putting your self in some one else’s shoes and conveying your understanding of that person’s feeling   and perspectives. a) Role reversal.


c)both a and b .

d)none of the above.


3) In which technique clients are told to talk as the other person and feel as the other person. a)Existential therapy.

b) Role reversal.(pg:97)

c)Meta analysis.

d)none of the above .



4) In order to summarize findings across all of these studies, psychologists have invented a new statistical technique called -----------.

a)    Existential therapy.

b)    Gestalt therapy.

c)meta analysis.(pg:98)

d)none of the above .

5)------------ is a mood state , characterized by marked negative effect. Bodily symptoms of tension , restlessness and apprehens ion about feature .

a) phobia .


c)   schizopherania.

d)   anxiety .(pg:104)


6)The -------------- response of anxiety  is reflected in increase heart beat and muscle tension. a) psychological.



d) none of the above.

 7)Anxiety disorder share several important similarities  with --------. a) stress disorders.

b)memory related disorders .

c)   schizophrenic disorders. 

c)   mood disorders.(pg:106)

 8) Excessive anxiety and worry that  occur on most days for a period of six months about events and activities  such as work or schools , symptoms include restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability , muscles tension and sleep disturbance. a)social phobia.

b)   panic attacks .

c)   generalized anxiety disorder.(pg:106)

d)   Acute stress disorder .

 9) Phobic disorder are the most common of the anxiety disorder ,Magee and associates (1996) reported life time prevalence for social phobia.

a)  11.3 %.

b)  13.3% (pg:109)

c)  6.7 %

d)  14.2 %

10) The term agoraphobia which we derived from the Greek word agora means market place ,was originally used to refer a pathological fear of ---------------

a) pointed places.


c)open places.(pg:110)


11) ---------------- are persistent  and unwanted thoughts , ideas or images  that a person does no intentionally produce .


b) obsession(pg:113)




12)----------------- are the most common psychological disorders and the risk of developing them is increasing all over the world especially among the young people .  a) anxiety.


c)Stress .

d) Mood.(pg:116)

13) ----------------- refers to subjective state of feelings , such as sadness, anger and adjust . a) emotions.(pg:116)

b)   Affects.

c)   mood.

d)   stress.



14) Which is flip side of depression ,and also involve in disturbance mood that is   additional symptoms.

a)   Unipolar mood disorder.

b)   Bipolar mood disorder.

c)   Mania.(pg:117)

a)   all of the above .


15) People who are clinically depressed frequently note that their thinking is slowed down , that they have trouble concentrating, and that they are easily distract .guild are worthlessness are also common preoccupation is symptoms of which state of depression. a)Emotional.


c)   Somatic.

d)   Behavioral.


:Psy404 Solved Paper - Final term 2014 (1) #Subjective

What is Psychology? 


Psychology is the science of behavior it deals with prediction and control of behavior. Psychologists use the methods of science to investigate and study all kinds of behavior and mental processes say for example the activity of single nerve cell to social conflicts that take place in complex societies or say from the development of language in childhood to the major adjustments required in old age.   


What is Abnormal Psychology?



It is a branch or field of Psychology which relates to mental disorders or psychopathology. It involves studying patterns of thinking and behaving that are maladaptive, disruptive .These disruptive patterns of thinking and behaving ultimately effects the individual relationship with others. 


Which steps use to study abnormal behavior?

Abnormal Psychology studies: 

       The symptoms (what the disorders look like?), about

       The etiology (what causes these disorders),

       The assessment (how we can measure the disorders) 

       The diagnosis (how we can classify the disorders)

       The prognosis (the possible outcome of the disorder)

       The treatment (how we intervene)

       Social implications (the effects that disorders have on the individual, their family and on the society in particular). 

 What is psychosis?

PSYCHOSIS is a general term that refers to several types of severe mental disorder in which the person is considered to be out of contact with reality.

Which term refer to neurosis?

Neurosis is a term no more used now we use the term Anxiety disorders it refers to mild types of mental disorder in which the person has contact with reality but its one area of his life which is problematic.


 The four criteria for defining abnormality include ?

They are often called the four D’s, Deviance, Distress, Dysfunction and Danger.


Deviant behavior means different extreme unusual and bizarre

Distress refers to unpleasant or upsetting behavior of an individual

Dysfunctional or disruptive in a way that possibly can became dangerous as well


Danger of hurting one self and others


What is meant by Psychopathology?


The term Psychopathology is the scientific study of Psychological disorders. There are three major categories of concepts that make up the study and discussion of Psychological disorder. 

Study of Psychological disorders:

Clinical Description

Causation Etiology

Treatment and Outcome

 How many models for studying psychopathology?

There are three  models of studying psychopathology.

1.        Supernatural Model

2.        Biological Model  

3.        The Psychological Model  


What purpose do these Models serve?

These Models try to explain the cause of individual Abnormal Behavior. Each model represents its own individual interpretation of psychopathology and recommends its individual treatment procedures. So all the models try to answer the question that


How supernatural model serve?

1. The Supernatural Model

 This Model attributes Abnormal Behavioral to magic, evil spirits, demons, moon and the stars. This model includes

 a- Witchcraft and Demonology  b -Moon and Stars   c- Mass Hysteria


How biological model serve?

2-Biological model

This model attributes mental disorders to disease and biochemical imbalances in the body. 

Greek Contribution

       Hippocrates (450-377 B.C.)

       Galen (129-198A.D.) Nineteenth Century 

       J.P. Grey -1854

       E. Kraeplin -1913

  Twentieth Century 

       Insulin shock therapy

       Electroconvulsive therapy



       With which purpose physician adopt the Four fluid theory?


       Galen a Roman physician adopted Hippocratic theory and advocated that the four fluids relate to the Greek environmental concepts such as heat (blood) ,dryness (black bile), moisture ( yellow bile) and cold ( phlegm).

       Each fluid was related to one quality. Excess of one or more fluids were treated by regulating the environment to increase or decrease heat, dryness, moisture and cold depending on the deficiency of the fluid.  


       King Charles the sixth, when he got sick he was treated according to the following concept of Galen. He was moved to less stressful countryside environment to restore the balance of his body fluids .Rest, good diet and exercise were recommended.

What is Syphilis?


A sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterial micro-organism entering the brain.

The person having syphilis developed behavior patterns and cognitions of a psychotic disorder i.e. Schizophrenia and paralysis. The symptoms of Schizophrenia include

Hallucination (apperception), delusion (false belief) of grandeur, persecution and reference and bizarre behaviors as well. 

Psychological Model consists of following 


a.   Humanistic

b.  Behavioristic 

c. Psychoanalysis



 Psychoanalysis was pioneered by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). He learned the art of Hypnosis from France. He experimented with somewhat different procedures of Hypnosis. He used Hypnosis in a innovative way. He encouraged his patients to talk freely about their problems, conflicts and fears .He discovered the unconscious mind and its influence in psychopathology by using the techniques of Free Association, Dream Analysis and Freudian Slips.

Structure of  mind  consist on ?

Structure of the mind: According to Freud the mind consists of





                                                                                                                    Id→ Pleasure Principle


Mental Structures  Ego →Reality Principle



                                                                                            Super Ego → Moral Principle 


Which are some important  ego defense meganisms?

1-Denial, 2- Displacement, 3- Projection, 4- Reaction formation,5- Repression,  6-Rationalization, 7- Sublimation

Theory of development which proposed by frued?

Freud proposed a theory of development. This is known as the psychosexual theory of development. The main emphasis in this theory is on the physical and psychological development.

1-  Oral stage -birth to 18 months

2-  Anal stage-18 months to 3 years          Psychosexual theory of ------------           3- Phallic stage -3 to 6 years                    development                               

4- Latency stage

5-Genital stage-6 to 12 years 

Freud theorized that during childhood we pass through a number of psycho sexual stages of development.


Describe the level of consciousness?

Levels of Consciousness:


According to this triangle, the top smallest part is the conscious experience the middle small layer is subconscious and the largest portion is unconscious.

Freud suggest which technique for reaching at unconscious?

Free Association

Which is the main purpose of defense meganism? 

Humanistic model how’s describe the psychological behavior?


Humanistic Model


Humanistic view puts the emphasis on the positive aspects of life, free choices and personal growth experiences. Abnormality results from refusal to accept personal responsibility for one’s own actions and thoughts. So human behavior is caused by the choices we make voluntarily.  The Humanistics assume that human nature is inherently good and they blame abnormal / aggressive behavior caused by the society but not by the individual. 


Describe the Maslow’s Herarche of needs?

Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) postulated a hierarchy of needs beginning with physiological needs at the bottom and self actualization at the top. An individual must meet the basic needs before trying to meet the higher needs. 


Describe behavioral model of psychological behavior ?

Behavioral Model / Cognitive-Behavioral / social learning model


Behavioral model emphasizes that behavior patterns (both normal and abnormal) are learned from the environment. The three forms of learning associated with psychological disorders are


1.          Classical Conditioning 2.             Operant Conditioning

                                3.         Observational learning/Modeling.

Describe the rational emotive behavioral therapy (rebt) and describe how it works ?

According to Albert Ellis, maladaptive behavior results when people operate on misguided and inaccurate assumptions. Ellis catalogued 11 irrational believes responsible for maladaptive behavior. The ABC of rational emotive behavior therapy is where:  A – Activating event

B  – Belief System

C  – Emotional behavioral consequences.








Emotional Behavioral 






      A          →


                                        Activating events 

Filter through one’s

                                  Belief system



                      A          →         B          →         C

                                  Irrational beliefs 


Activating event A can cause unwanted emotional and behavioral consequences when filter through beliefs that are irrational.


How many types of therapy from  cognitive model?

There are two types of therapy of cognitive model . 

1)Rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT)

2)Cognitive theory of depression.


What is research?

Research is a process of constant exploration and discovery. It is a systematic process of collecting and analyzing information (data), in order to increase our understanding of the phenomenon with which we are concerned or interested.


Types of research which being use in Abnormal psychology ?

Following types of research are used in Abnormal psychology


       Individual case study is used to study one or more individual in depth.

       Research by correlation; tell whether a relationship exists between two variables.  Epidemiological research is a type of correlation research that reveals the incidence, prevalence and consequences of a disorder.

       Research by experiment can follow two designs group or single. In both designs, a variable or variables are manipulated and their effects are observed in order to determine the nature of casual relationship.

       Genetic research includes Family Studies, Adoption Studies, Twin Studies, Genetic Linkage Analysis and Association Studies.

Research examines psychopathology across time include Cross Sectional and Longitudinal designs.  



Describe the eight reasons ,Why you should study research method?

Eight reasons, why you should study research methods:


1.                   To understand psychology better.

2.                   To keep up with recent discoveries by reading research.

3.                   To evaluate research claims.

4.                   To protect yourself from quack and frauds. 

5.                   To be a better thinker.

6.                   To be scientifically literate, better educated citizen and consumer.

7.                   To improve your market ability in information age.

8.                   To do your own research.


What is science?

Science is the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation and theoretical explanation of natural phenomenon. These methods of science i.e. observation, identification, description, experimental investigation and theoretical explanation are based on Empiricism i.e. we can know about the world through careful observation or more precisely through naturalistic observation and controlled observation.

 Naturalistic observation is watching animals or humans in their normal environment. It gives a realistic picture of behavior. Participant observation is naturalistic observation in which the observer becomes a participant in the group being observed (to reduce observer effect).

 Laboratory observation or controlled observation is watching animals or humans in a laboratory setting. The advantage is in controlling the environment and making use of specialized equipment.

Observation assists an individual in identifying and asking research questions i.e. hypothesis. 



Hypothesis is a logical and testable question and opinion, opened for verification through experiment or test. 

Which basic steps is involve in scientific inquiry?



The basic steps involved in the scientific inquiry


        S.          Specifying the problem.

        C.         Collecting information.

        I.          Identifying possible causes.

        E.         Examining options.

        N.        Narrowing the options by narrowing the experimentation. 

        C.         Comparing data.

        E.         Extending, revising and testing.

Which are the basic component of research and how it is important for conducted research ?


Basic component of research are given below:sss




An educated guess or statement to be supported by data.


Research Design


The plan for testing the hypothesis. The sample or subjects to be used. The instrument and tool to be utilized.


Dependent Variable

An aspect of phenomenon that is measured, expected to change or influenced by the independent variable.


Independent variable

The aspect that is manipulated or that thought to influence the change in the dependent variable.


Internal Validity

The extend to which results of the study can be attributed to the independent variable.


External Validity


The extend to which results of the study can be generalized or applied outside this study.

Describe the drawback and advantages of case study?


Case Study

Case study examines and describes in depth an individual’s current feeling, thoughts and behaviors. It investigates intensively

one or more individuals, who display the behavior patterns. The case study method relies on a clinician’s observations of differences between one person and group with a disorder, people with other disorders and people with no psychological disorders.

Drawbacks of case study methods:

i.    Case study lacks internal validity (methodological control) 

ii.   Case study lacks external validity ( representative ness)


Advantages of case study:

The case study method is a valuable source for:

i.    Examining rare disorders ii.         Evaluating and assessing innovative treatment or interventions.



Describe the technique of placebo control group?

People in the experimental group often expect to get better. So when behavior changes, as a result of people’s expectations rather than due to independent variable we label the phenomenon as placebo affect. 

The word placebo means “I Shall Please” in other words placebo means inactive medications such as sugar coated empty pills. The placebo is given to the members of control group to make them believe that they are getting treatment. (Parloff, 1986). 


A placebo control in a medication study can be carried out because people in the control group receive something that “looks like” medicine that the experimental group is getting. If the therapists want their clients to expect improvement, this placebo affect helps strengthen the treatment. 

          Placebo effect is the phenomenon in which the expectations of the participants in a study can influence their behavior.

          Experimenter effect is the tendency of the experimenter’s expectations for a study to unintentionally influence the results of the study.


A young woman labeled ‘A’ comes into her office complaining about anxiety. Anxiety is a feeling of being restless, uncomfortable and uneasy. When she is asked to rate her feelings of anxiety on a rating scale of 0 to 10. she gives her anxiety a score of 9 whereas 10 is the worst. After several weeks of treatment, client A rates her anxiety at 6. Can we say that the treatment has reduced her anxiety?

According to scenario how we can measure the anxiety level of client A by use repeated measurement technique?


Using the repeated measurement techniques, we can measure client A’s anxiety each day during the week before her visit to the office and observe that the ratings differ greatly.  On a good day she rated her anxiety 5 and on a bad she rated her anxiety at 8. Repeated measurement techniques helps to identify how a person is doing before and after treatment. We can conclude that client A had good and bad days both before and after treatment and doesn’t seem to have change much. There are important parts of repeated measurements:

The degree of behavior change with different interventions

i.                  The degree of behavior change over time. iii. The trend and direction of behavior change.  

What is Genetics?


Genetics means what we inherit from our parents. I got my mother’s eyes, I got hair like my father, and I am stubborn like

my father. This suggests how we look, feel and behave is predetermined by our genetic make up. The field of behavior genetics deals with phenomenon how genetic information in form of chromosomes from both father and mother is transmitted to children.



Which terms are use in genetics research?




Some important terms used in behavior genetics are following

Phenotype refers to observable characteristics or behavior of the individual whereas genotype refers to unique genetic make up of individual. 

Dominant gene is one which is expressed in offspring. If the offspring has dark black hair then dominant genes for hair color is black.

 Recessive gene is one which is expressed when paired with an identical one.

 Single dominant gene is one which is expressed as a rare types of disorder such colorblindness. 

Multiple genes refer to trait that is expressed in the offspring due to a number of genes such as height. 

DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, the principal component of genes.

Methods, Goals and limitations which are involve in genetics research? 


Question to be answered


Family Study

Does the disorder runs in families?

Cannot       separate       genetic       and

environmental effects

High Risk Study

What factor influence development of the disorder?

Cannot separate genetic and environmental effects, although it can characterize the impact of specific effects; results generalizable only to similar high-risk populations.

Twin Study

Is the disorder inherited?

Rare examples; environmental\ factors uncontrolled

Adoption Study

Can      we        separate             genetic and environmental contributions?

Difficult to get accurate information on biological parents or to control confounding factors.



What is the nature of inheritance?

Requires large inbred families with the disorder

Linkage Analysis

Where is the gene located

Best with disorders controlled by a single dominant gene. 

How disorders runs in family describe with example?


1- The investigator first identifies a patient’s with a particular disorder and a comparison group without the disorder. 

2-The next step is to obtain information about each close relative of the participants both with and without the disorder – either by directly interviewing them or, if that is not possible, by asking each participant or someone else in the family about the relatives.

 3-Finally, the researcher compares the rates of the disorder to see if these rates are higher among the relatives of patients with the disorder than in the control group representing the general population.

In family studies, scientists examine a behavioral pattern in the context of family. 


William Grove at University of the Minnesota, who used the family study method to study schizophrenia. He administered structured interviews, questionnaires and tasks to seventeen schizophrenic patients, sixty one first degree relatives and eighteen normal control subjects. The result showed that schizophrenic and their relatives scored significantly more in the abnormal direction, then the normal control subjects.


Write  down the following issue when we use humans as a subject with research ethics? i. Risk 

Risk is involved related with physical, psychological or social injury that may be caused to subjects.

ii.      Consent 

Researchers seek the willingness or consent of their students, patient, clients and other members of the community who are

taking part in a scientific investigation.


iii.    Deception

Deception means to hide, to withhold information or misinformation to participants about an aspect of a research.

iv.     Privacy

Privacy refers to the rights of the individual to decide, how information about him is to be communicated to others i.e. whenever possible, the information about participants will be kept confidential. Privacy is keeping a piece of information about their client confidential.

v.       Debriefing 

Debriefing is an opportunity for participants to know about a research. Debriefing is necessary to remove any harmful

effects or misconceptions about participation as well as an opportunity to explain to participants about the need for deception.

vi    Non Participation in research 

The investigator should give the participant full information of the experiment, the level of discomfort involved.


Vii   Power of the investigator 

The practice of getting students, prisoners and psychiatric patients as participants for the stressful experiments where

rewards such good grades,

Describe the function and contribution of neuroscience?

          The field of anatomy is concerned with the study of biological structures, and the field of physiology investigates biological functions.

          Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology are subspecialties within these broader fields that focus specifically on brain structures and brain functions. 

          The study of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology is the domain of an exciting, multidisciplinary field of research called neuroscience.


:Psy404 Solved Paper - Final term 2014 (1) #Subjective

    just finished my paper...


    mcqs were easy


    mostly about therapies


    n schziphenia


    subjective paper included a question about



how to treat psycological prblems n later age


    cognitive thearapy


    a man forgot his role n now thinks himself as emplye of so n so firm whts the prb n how to treat


    mostly paper was from last 10 chapters


    sucide mcq


    defense mechanism mcq 


:Psy404 Solved Paper - Final term 2012 (3) #Subjective


What would be the possible treatment for psychological problems in later life? Describe any five?

what is Dementia? discuss psychoanalysis?

positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia? short question. what are Barbiturates?   cognitive impairment disorders and there treatment?

 Difference between Dementia, Delirium and amnesia? 

:Psy404 Solved Paper - Final term 2011 (1) #Subjective

8 Descriptive (marks written with the questions)

1.      “The experience of an emotion seems to spread to those in the surroundings around”. This phenomenon is termed as:

2.      Identify the method which provides information about the nature and scope of mental health problems across large population and regions often leading clues to the causes of disorder.

3.      In Freud’s psychosexual theory of development, the age range for oral stage is:


4.      Aslam has shifted to a new home. He needs new clothes for his children, some essential items for kitchen, furniture and security alarm in his house as the area is not safe. All these are examples of which of the following needs:

5.      Fahad, a clinical psychologist, believes that biological, psychological dimension and interpersonal influences all are important while narrating the causes of an illness. This approach will be termed as:

6.      Suicidal actions become more common after the age of ___________ years.

7.      In ______________ unexplained physical symptoms indicate the conversion of unconscious emotional conflicts into more acceptable form.

8.      Which of the following is a chronic mood disturbance that can cause depressive symptoms, but does not disrupt normal functioning?

9.      Before conversion disorder was included in the DSM, it popularly known in psychodynamic circles as what?

10.  Which of the following is characterized by the fear that one has a serious disease?

11.  According to DSM-IV at least _________symptoms are required to diagnose a person as suffering from Somatization disorder.

12.  Which personality disorder is characterized by low self-esteem, worry about negative evaluation, and avoidance of social interactions?

13.  Praise or criticism doesn’t have any affect on the person with _____________.

14.  Which of the following is an important factor in substance abuse?

15.  Which of the following is NOT a hallucinogenic?

16.  Which of the following is a forceful urge to use drugs?

17.  Which of the following is not a characteristic of Barbiturates?

18.  The onset of schizophrenia typically occurs during

19.  A sub-type of Schizophrenia known as Residual Type schizophrenia is characterized by:

20.  Which of the following include nightmare disorder, sleep terror disorder, and sleepwalking disorder?

:Psy404 Solved Paper - Final term 2013 (1) #Subjective

1.      Which of the following is a time for grappling with the major issues related to identity, career, and relationships?

2.      One of the most common features of neurological disorders are Language deficits and are collectively known as:


3.      Which of the following is not a symptom of major depressive disorder?

4.      A theory, what is the ratio of unipolar to bipolar disorder?

5.      Ali is a student of M.B.B.S. He failed in his final year exams, with the feeling of shame he attempts to kill himself but failed. According to McIntosh, when people make unsuccessful attempt to kill themselves, known as what?

6.      Which of these is NOT a negative emotional state?

7.      Fight or flight response was first described by whom?

8.      Which of the following is a kind of lymphocytes?

9.      In which year, DSM included diagnostic category for primary sleep disorder first time?

10.  Identify the disorder which is not included in the dyssomnias?


11.  Which of the following brain structure has been mostly affected by PTSD?

12.  Identify the statement which is most suitable for Dissociative Identity Disorder.

13.  The authors of DSM IV TR have given us how many types of personality disorders?

14.  In which of the following cluster of personality disorder, individuals of different personality disorder shares some common features such as odd, eccentric and aloof behavior?

15.  Which of the following is a negative symptom of schizophrenia that refers to disturbed speech?

16.  Which of the following is an important characteristic of catatonic behavior in schizophrenia?

17.  The symptoms of prodromal stage of schizophrenia, is quite similar to which of the following?

18.  In Schizophrenia when an individual believes, everyone planning against her/him, this is referred to as:

19.  Deficiency of thiamine leads to the atrophy of which of the following brain part?

20.  Identify the name of disorder which is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome?

21.  Ahmad is 18 years old boy who smokes marijuana is labeled as a "stoner." He is unable to control his behavior according to the expectations of parents and legal authorities. He is suffering from which type of disorder?

22.  Ali is a shy boy and he is consistently facing failure to speak in certain social situations such as in front of crowd in school on Iqbal day when he was directed to deliver a speech. Ali is facing which of the following internalizing disorder?

23.  Which of the following disorder is characterized by severely disturbed and developmentally inappropriate social relationships?

24.  Who among the following psychologist claims that people have competing needs to move toward, to move away from, and to move against others?

25.  Which of the following is particularly important to the physical and psychological well-being of older adults?

:Psy404 Solved Paper - Final term 2015 (1) #Subjective

1.  Which of the following is a term that does not convey specific information and carries many unfortunate, unfounded and negative implications with it?

2.      Which of the following lobe is responsible for the processes like regulation of emotions, and involved in some aspects of learning, memory, and language?

3.      Which of the following theory says “Children form special and selective bonds with their caregivers”?

4.      In learning theory the naturally occurring response is known as what?    

5.      If a test consists of questions like "Is an individual likely to become anxious or depress in future"? We are dealing with which of the following concept?

6.      Sana is feeling low and tired. She does not like meeting people and want to stay at home. Her mother took her to a psychologist and he diagnosed her with depression. Which of the following is not suitable for depressive patients?

7.      Dr. Ghazala listened carefully to Zara’s conversation and come to know that she don’t know who is she, where she is and what time is? Identify which part of the mental status examination is being performed in this situation.

8.      These all are projective tests EXCEPT:

9.      These are the limitations of projective techniques EXCEPT:

10.  A professor has a policy of exempting students from the final term exam if they maintain perfect attendance

throughout the semester. His students’ attendance increases dramatically. This is an example of ___________.


11.  Who among the following highlights the idea that people are free to choose their lifestyles and after that accept the responsibility of their lives?




12.  Freud has proposed three levels of consciousness. Discuss (1+1+1)


13.  With no warning, Maria’s fiancée called her and told her it was over. He wouldn’t explain why and hung up the phone. Maria was shocked, and she began to feel as though she was in a dream or a movie. She continued to feel detached from herself, as if she was outside looking in, and she found it very difficult to go to class or do any homework. What is the best diagnosis for Maria? Name and explain. (1+2)


14.  Enlist any three qualities of Barbiturates. (1+1+1)

15.  In your opinion, what strategies are effective to treat the patients of cognitive impairment disorders? (1+1+1)

16.  Differentiate between positive and negative symptoms of Schizophrenia and give three examples of both. (2+3)

17.  What would be the possible treatment for psychological problems in later life? Describe any five. (1+1+1+1+1)

18.  Ali is suffering from a mental disorder, he approached a clinical psychologist. After taking a detailed interview from him, psychologist showed him few picture cards and asked him to tell a story about each picture. Identify and briefly explain the test being administered in this situation. (2+3) 

19.  Being a student of Abnormal Psychology you are required to design a treatment plan for a client who is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? 


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