SOC101 Final Term Past Paper all in one Mega file


Soc101 Solved Paper For Final term by Moaaz, Waqar Sidhu, Hadi, and Others - Cognitive Help!

Question No: 1    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


____________ Perspective argues that social stratification benefits some people at the expense of others. 







Social conflict


















Question No: 2    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


___________ Functions are recognized and intended consequences of a social pattern.
























None of the given options



Question No: 3    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


________ is an act of moving from one social class to another.







Social mobility





Social stratification





Inter-class mobility





Economic mobility


Question No: 4    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


____________ is a social group of two or more people, related by blood and marriage who usually live together.

























Question No: 5    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


________ is a form of marriage uniting one male and two or more females.






















Group marriage



Question No: 6    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


    ___________ is the first and most influential setting for socialization.







Peer group


















Question No: 7    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


   ____________ stratification refers to society’s unequal distribution of wealth, power and privilege between men and women.

























Question No: 8    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


 The government of Pakistan, pursuing the policy of Education for All (EFA), expects that by ___________ all children will complete their primary education.

























Question No: 9    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


Erving Goffman uses the term ___________ which refers to attributes that discredit people. 













Degradation ceremony  






Deviant ritual 





Secondary identity



Question No: 10    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


The CBR refers to ___________.







Child birth rate





Crude baby rate





Child birth ratio





Crude birth rate



Question No: 11    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


According to 1998 Population Census of Pakistan, __________ percent of the population was of children under 15 years.
























Question No: 12    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


The population growth rate (PGR) of the world was __________ percent in 2002.

























Question No: 13    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


The ________ is “Crude” because it does not take into account the risk of having births.






















None of the given options



Question No: 14    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


__________ is the study of interaction of living organisms and the natural environment.























Question No: 15    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


________ is the transfer of cultural traits from one place or group to another.

























Question No: 16    ( Marks: 1 )


In Karl Marx idea of class and conflict those who earn their living by selling their labor called ____________. 


In modern industrial societies, factories, offices, machinery and the wealth or capital needed to buy them have become more important.  The two main classes are those who own these new means of production – the industrialists or capitalists called as Bourgeoisie (boorzhwahze) – and those who earn their living by selling their labor to them – the property-less working class called as proletariat.

Question No: 17    ( Marks: 1 )


_ Stereotypes _is an exaggerated description applied to every person in same category.   


Question No: 18    ( Marks: 1 )


_ Endogamy _ is the practice of mate selection from the same social category.


Question No: 19    ( Marks: 1 )


According to _ Functionalists _view inequality is a product of the traditional division in human societies.


Question No: 20    ( Marks: 1 )


In 1798 _ Malthus _ published an Essay on the “Principle of Population”.


Question No: 21    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


Davis and Moore view that social stratification has beneficial consequences for the operation of a society.     












Answer…… 60


Question No: 22    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


Counter culture is cultural pattern that strongly opposes the widely accepted patterns within a society.  














Question No: 23    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


In a global perspective, the United States spends more on schooling than almost anywhere else.












Question No: 24    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


Pakistan had a population of 148.6 million in 2006.













Question No: 25    ( Marks: 1 )     -  Please choose one


The concept of cultural lag was given by William F. Ogburn. 













Question No: 26    ( Marks: 3 )


Briefly describe the major components of Karl Marx theory of class and conflict.


Answer……….pg 56


Question No: 27    ( Marks: 3 )


The amount of movement up and down the class structure would indicate the extent of social mobility prevalent in the society. Enlist three main factors that affect mobility? (1+1+1)


  1. Structural factors
  2. Individual factors
  3. Differential fertility by social class


Question No: 28    ( Marks: 3 )


In pre-industrial societies, gaining economic assistance and economic security in the process. Enlist any three residential patterns present in the industrial society. (1+1+1)


1. Patrilocal: A residential pattern in which a married couple lives with or near the husband’s family. 

2. Matrilocal: A residential pattern in which a married couple lives with or near the wife’s family.

3. Neolocal: A residential pattern in which a married couple lives apart from the parents of both the spouses. 

Question No: 29    ( Marks: 3 )


Peer group is the one, whose members have interests, social position and age in common. Keeping in view the above mentioned statement how peer group influence your personality.


Answer ……. Pg35


Question No: 30    ( Marks: 3 )


How institution of school is imparting its role to create social integration?


Schooling helps forge a mass of people into a unified society. This integrative function is especially important in nations with pronounced social diversity, where various cultures know little about – or may even be hostile to – one another. A basic way schools integrate culturally diverse people is by teaching a common language that encourages broad communication and builds a national identity.


Question No: 31    ( Marks: 10 )


According to Weber, social stratification is not simply a matter of class but it also shaped by two other aspects: status and power. How you as a sociologist see the relevance of these two concepts of stratification in the society? (5+5)


Pg ………. 58


Status in Weber’s theory refers to differences between social groups in the social honor or prestige they are accorded by others.  Presently status is being expressed through people’s styles of life.  Markers and symbols of status—such as housing, dress, manner of speech, occupation – all help to shape an individual’s social standing in the eyes of others.  People sharing the same status form a community in which there is a sense of shared identity.


While Marx believed that status distinctions are the result of class divisions in society, Weber argued that status often varies independently of class divisions.  Possession of wealth normally tends to confer high status, but there are many exceptions.  Olympic gold medalists, for example, may not own property, yet they may have very high prestige.  Property and prestige is not one way street: although property can bring prestige, prestige can also bring property.


Power, the third element of social class, is the ability to control others, even against their wishes.  Weber agreed with Marx that property is a major source of power, but he added that it is not the only source. 


With time, industrial societies witness the growth of the bureaucratic state. This expansion of government and other types of formal organizations means that power gains importance in the stratification system.


Party formation is an important aspect of power, and can influence stratification independently of class and status.  Party defines a group of individuals who work together because they have common backgrounds, aims or interests. Party can be influenced by class but can also influence the economic circumstance of party members and thereby their class.  Party membership cuts across class differences.  There are parties based on religious affiliations and nationalist ideals and may include the ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’.  There could also be groups possessing effective political power without economic leverage (military, trade union).  Therefore inequality could there due to political power.


Question No: 32    ( Marks: 10 )


Family performs several functions. In fact family has been considered as “The backbone of society”. Explain any two functions of family that are fundamental for Pakistani society?  (5+5)


Answer ……… pg 68



SOC101 Solved Paper - Final term Important Questions ~By Student's 2012 - 1016 #MCQ's & Subjective

40 mcqs are given they all were conceptual 

q1. in order to gather preliminary information on the issue of human trafficking which sources would U  consult? 

q2. karl mark categories social classes in three categories identify them? 

q3. analyze the role of double earner in socialization of their children? 

q4. write the formula to calculate the urban areas growth rate of Pakistan? 

q5. industrial societies all waste not recycled so where does the waste of disposable societies go? q6. five possible reactions that face by society for deviance?

Q what do u mean by pauperization? 

Q formula for crude death rate 

Q lateral mobility 

Q reasons for low enrollment in school 

Q one question related to stigma 

Q y America is considered to be disposible society? 

Q one question related to population pyramid? 

Q one question related to monogamy

1. there is an increasing trend of designer clothes in women; in which type of culture this could be  categorized? why 

2. differentiate b/w endogamy and exogamy 

3. write in detailed about any two marriage patterns 

4. what are the factors behind low enrollment in schools in rural areas 

5. segregate b/w preventive and positive checks of Malthus 

6. explain persistence and variability in social stratification over generations 

7. write about any two controversial changes in Pakistan, also write the reasons behind the controversies 8. if population policy is to be devised by the government, what are the details required, name any 5 sources 9. explain briefly social change 

10. this was something related to population

5 Questions of 3 marks 

1) How educationist is helped by studying changes in size, composition and distribution of population change? 2) What is the role of sociology in the industry 

3) Do you think that ‘gender is the foundation of socialization’? 

4) With the increase in Women breadwinners in Western societies, what new roles are adopted by males? 5) Do you think traditional family patterns should be preserved? Why or why not 

5 Questions of 5 marks 

1) Ayesha and Zia are siblings and get same education. They both find 2 jobs: teaching and reporter. Ayesha’s parents  suggest teaching for Ayesha. Explain this unconscious thinking of gender socialization 

2) Explain negative effects of the pollution of water resources. 

3) Per capita income increased from $ 79 in 1950 to $ 492 in 2005 which is only 6 percent increase during this period.  What is the effect of human resource on the economy of the country? 

4) Give arguments in favor or against that ‘magnificent social and economic change led to the emergence of sociology’?

Total Question = 69 (62 Objectives, 3 Question of 3 Marks & 4 Questions of 5 Marks) 

Q.1. As Sociologist what policy would you adopt to reduce the population growth in Pakistan? 

Q.2. How Population Size, Contribution & Distribution help the Educationist to study the Socio - Economic  Condition of a Country? 

Q.3. Skin diseases are caused due to Climate Change, Is it the water pollution that causes these diseases, If  yes, Justify?

Total Questions = 64 

Total Marks = 88 

Total 1 Mark MCQ = 56 

Total 3 Marks Short Questions=4 

Total 5 Marks Long Questions =4 

1. Ahmad is using demographic information for planning, implementation, and success of his plan to  eliminate poverty in his area. Take any example of social plan and discuss how this demographic  information can be applied for successful completion of the plan. 

2. World water resources are getting dirty due to pollution. How we can preserve clean water for our  drinking purpose? 

3. World water resources are getting dirty due to pollution. How we can preserve clean water for our  drinking purpose? 

4. What are the reasons that in South Asian countries patriarchal system is practiced? Critically analyze the  reasons. 

5. Exemplify two societies of open and closed social systems of stratification and identify the major  difference between them. 

6. The tiny village in Sudan between the Blue and White Niles lies in an expanse of farmland that, six years  ago, produced an average of roughly five bales of cotton per acre a year. But it was before modern  agricultural methods were adopted. Analyze with help of above case how it is controversial? 7. Ahmad is given the task by his teacher in the school to observe the social issues around him and critically  look at all the dimensions of the issue and also suggest some practical solution to solve the issue. How  Ahmad is trying to make some innovation in his culture? 

8. Outline some of the steps that nations in the developing world might take to reduce their rate of  population growth.

Total Marks: 86 

Total Question: 60 

Total MCQ 's: 52 

3 Short Questions of 3 Marks 

5 Long Questions of 5 Marks 

Question No. 53: What do you see the most negative social change in your life time discuss? (5 Marks) Question No. 54: Define Mobilities Aids & Barriers? (5 Marks) 

Question No. 55: Explain Basic concepts related to family & marriage and explain some global diversity in  each. (5 Marks) 

Question No. 56: Why Divorce rates have been increasing? (5 Marks) 

Question No. 57: Define women empowerment? (5 Marks) 

Question No. 58: Define social Stratification? (3 Marks) 

Question No. 59: What id difference between Stratum & Status. (3 Marks) 

Question No. 60: Define Kinship Relation ship.( 3 Marks) 

Question related to:


2.Water Pollution 

3. Urbanization Problems & Issues 

4.importance of forest 

5. Norms

Total questions=60 


Subjective are given below: 

1. Ahmad is using demographic information for planning, implementation, and success of his plan to  eliminate poverty in his area. Take any example of social plan and discuss how this demographic  information can be applied for successful completion of the plan.  

2. World water resources are getting dirty due to pollution. How we can preserve clean water for our  drinking purpose? 

3. World water resources are getting dirty due to pollution. How we can preserve clean water for our  drinking purpose? 

4. What are the reasons that in South Asian countries patriarchal system is practiced? Critically analyze the  reasons. 

5. Exemplify two societies of open and closed social systems of stratification and identify the major  difference between them. 

6. The tiny village in Sudan between the Blue and White Niles lies in an expanse of farmland that, six years  ago, produced an average of roughly five bales of cotton per acre a year. But it was before modern  agricultural methods were adopted. Analyze with help of above case how it is controversial? 7. Ahmad is given the task by his teacher in the school to observe the social issues around him and critically  look at all the dimensions of the issue and also suggest some practical solution to solve the issue. How  Ahmad is trying to make some innovation in his culture? 

8. Outline some of the steps that nations in the developing world might take to reduce their rate of  population growth. 

remember me in ur prayers :)

Evaluate this statement: “the more successfully we progress, the fewer cultural lags and social  problems we shall have. 

Inequality in private and public schools of Pakistan 

Do you feel that social stratification is harmful or beneficial to society as a whole? Why or why not? "Age is a social construction". Analyze this phrase in the light of sociological perspective. 

Ahmad is given the task by his teacher in the school to observe the social issues around him and  critically look at all the dimensions of the issue and also suggest some practical solution to solve the  issue. How Ahmad is trying to make some innovation in his culture? 

Mr Anique is a demographer; he has given the task to plan population policy of Pakistan. What  preventive checks he can suggest as a demographer to control population? 

Do you think that expansion in personal choices is a positive outcome of modernization? Why or why  not? Give three solid reasons to support your argument. 

Is structural-functional analysis is more optimistic concerning the prospects for gender equality than  social-conflict? Discuss. 

mcqs are conceptual 

and some questions are following: 

role of mass media?? 5 marks 

George Herbert Mead concepts "I" and "me" 3 marks 

analyze the world population? 5 marks 

Preserving the Forests? 5 marks 

air pollution? 3 marks 

40 MCQ 

10 short question 

1-There was case from the history of Pakistan that a particular behavior of peoples was consider to be  deviant at that time but later it bring some positive results. From this we have to discuss the deviant  as an agent of social change. 

2-There was a case of two brothers one of which get good job while the other didn’t. From this we have to describe the influence of type of social mobility on each of them. 3-There was a case in which father teach his son about his behavior in society that he has to take  responsibility of his family. We have to tell that which school of thoughts he was presenting to his son  and why. 

4-What affect of industrialization, you think has most negative impact on ur life. Explain 5- Do you think that industrialization and urbanization has change the rural family system of  Pakistan society. Explain 

6- What factors could be adapted to control reproduction except birth control? 

7- structural- Functional or social-conflict which school of thought provides better ways to attain  gender equality. 

8- As a student of sociology, keeping in view the details about increasing population of Pakistan  suggest one purpose policy in this regard.

9- Explain any one type of diversity in culture of each class of Pakistan society. 

10- Describe a demographic factor, the information of which could be used as an application of a plan  in regard of population of Pakistan. 

Total mcq's = 56 

Short questions = 4 (3 marks) 

Long questions = 4 (5 marks) 

Short questions: 

Three main functions of Robert K. Merton? 

How increase systematic family system decline patriarchy? 

Theory of demographic transition? 

social change 

Long questions: 

write 2 environmental issues of the world. 

inequality of education in rural and urban areas. 

what is concept of I and me, how it affects in personality development. 

are you in favor or against, prove your point that "gender is the foundation of socialization"

My Today paper 

Mcqs mostly from past papers 

questions are 

What do you understand by the concept of acid rain? 3marks 

Differentiat culture as constriction and freedom on the behavior of people.3marks 

How can you measure the crude birth rate in pakistan?3marks 

Why it is recmended to marry outside the kin?3marks 

What do you see the most negative social change in your lifetime?discuss.5marks 

Which crimes cause (white collar/lower class) more financial damage in society?5marks Migration is a key demographic concept discuss how it affect society?5 marks

SOC101 Solved Paper - Final term 2009 (1) #MCQ's & Subjective

1. People either depend on their own self or on their social capital of friend: Kin networking fading and being replaced by friends networking declining size of family 

conjugal family 

Non of these 

2.Women empowerment increase due to 

increase in literacy 

financial independence 

in the level of literacy 

All of above 

3.Which one is by contrast , concern the psychological , social and cultural difference: 





4.Which one is related with automatical and physiological difference that define male and female bodies: 




Non of these 

5 In 1961 the number of illiterates was _____________ in Pakistan. Select correct option: 

21 million 

23 million 

22 million 

20 million

6.It is a common perception that violence is rarely committed by: 

Select correct option: 





7..Most distinctive function of Davis Moore thesis is: 

Select correct option: 





8.In 2003 the world population was growing at the rate of 1.3 percent and it was expected that it will take ________ to double it population. 

Select correct option: 

56 years 

70 years 

54 years 

50 years 

9..People in ___________ societies have been confined to their ancestral occupations and their social status has mostly been ascribed. 

Select correct option: 





10.Two married adults living together in a household without their children is known as ___________. 

Select correct option: 

Extended family 


Conjugal family

Individual family 

11.Which of the following emerge in relation to perceived sex differences in society and in turn helps to shape those differences? 

Select correct option: 

Sex roles 

Gender identities 

Gender roles 

Gender socialization 

12.Which of the following processes create systems of ideas and practices about gender that vary across time and space? 

Select correct option: 

Biological determinists 

Social constructs 



13.Saving one’s money to go for higher studies or to start a business is an example of: Select correct option: 

Principle of deferred gratification 

Principle of future gratification 

Rule of deferred degradation 

None of the given options 

14.Science can be defined as: 

Select correct option: 

Belief based on a society's traditions 

Belief based on faith in ultimate truth 

A logical system that bases knowledge on direct, systematic observation A logical system that bases truth on political goals 

15.Which one of the following is NOT the reason for developing formal organization? Select correct option: 


Business purpose 

Personal interest 

A common goal

16.The changes in population take place primarily due to the changes in: Select correct option: 




All of the given options 

17.Formal organizations are usually _________ groups of people. 

Select correct option: 





18.Ali is a four year child, he is hungry but he does not know how to take food. Which of the following process will involve in getting his food? 

Select correct option: 





19.Cultural patterns those are widespread among a society’s population are known as __________. 

Select correct option: 

Ideal culture 

Real culture 

High culture 

Popular culture 

20.Gender disparity in the estimated literacy rate shows that male -------- percent were literate in 2004 





21. Crude birth rate is 

total birth rate in a specific year / total population in that year *100 total population in that year / total birth rate in a specific year *100 total birth rate in a specific year / total population in that year 

total birth rate in a specific year + total population in that year

22.Crude death rate is 

total death in a specific year / total population in that year *100 total death in a specific year / total population in that year 

total population in that year - total death in a specific year 

total population in that year + total death in a specific year 

23. Crude death rate is also known as 

Mortality rates 

Infant mortality rate 

life span 

Non of these 

24. The maximum number of year that an individual could live 

Life span 

Life expectancy 

Birth rate 


25.Malthus published an essay on the principle of Population in 





26. Demographic data recorded by the government pertaining to all persons who live in a particular territory . It usually take place after 





27. How many stages in demographic transition 

28. During pre-industrial stage 

high birth rate are balanced with high death rate and population size remain stable

low birth rate with high death rate and population become low high birth rate with high death rate population high 

non of these 

29. The shift from high to low mortality and fertility is also know as Generic transition 

Demographic transition 

Social transition 

Cultural transition 

30.Population growth show that the population in 1950 

2.4 billion 


2.6 billion 

2.7 billion 

31. In 2003 Pakistan had a population of 

158.6 million 

148.6 million 

178.5 million 

188.6 million 

32.Countries with zero population growth have 

barrel shaped pyramid 

bell shape pyramid 

squeezed shape pyramid 

conical shape pyramid 

33. During the year 2004 literacy rate in the country has been 56% 




34. 18.5 million people employed in Pakistan during 





35. How many times there were increased in unemployment during 1970-71

6 times 

7 times 

8 times 

9 times 

36.In 1961 there were --------------thousand primary school 





37. The primary school has increased to 170 thousand in 





38.A ------- is a formalized set of procedures to guide behavior Rules 




39. TFR stands for 

Total formulation rate 

Total fertility rate 

Total fundamental rate 

Non of these 

40. The study of interaction of living organisms and the natural environment is Sociology 




41. The Concept of cultural lag given by 


Auguste Comte 

Karl Max 

Max Weber

42. There are -------- important sources of cultural change 

43. The three important sources of cultural changes are 

Invention , discovery , diffusion 

creation , effusion , discovery 

Discovery , invention , effusion 

non of these 

44. Divorce rate increase due to 

Women now are less dependent on men 

Romantic love often subsidies 

Individualism on the increase .people are looking for personal happiness All of the above

SOC101 Solved Paper - Final term SHORT Notes #Subjective

Question: What Is Culture? 

Answer: Culture refers to the beliefs, values, behavior and material objects that, together, form a People’s way of life. Culture has two basic components: nonmaterial culture, or the intangible creations of human society, and material culture, the tangible products of human society. 

Question: What is the difference between society and culture? 

Answer: Culture includes all the symbolic and material productions of people, groups, organizations, and institutions in society. Society refers to people who interact in a defined territory and share culture. 

Question: How social ranking can be explained? 

Answer: Social ranking is an important feature found to one degree or another in all societies. The degree to which societies rank individuals however varies and results in varying amounts of inequality to be found in the world. 

Question: What is sociology? 

Answer: The truth is, there can be several definitions of what sociology is. The rather clinical definition, according to Webster's dictionary, is "the study of the development and structure of society and social relationships."" Textbooks usually describe sociology as "the scientific study of human society and social behavior" or something very similar to that. These are the formal definitions of sociology. 

Question: How do sociologists do their research? 

Answer: Sociologists do research in basically one of two ways: qualitatively and quantitatively. Doing research qualitatively means one would get data by observing human interaction (and sometimes participating in those events yourself), doing interviews, or studying documents or other sources of data first-hand. Quantitative work involves using statistical procedures and mathematical programs to come up with various numerical measures of the issue one is trying to analyze. 

Question: What is social work? 

Answer: Social work is the profession of helping individuals, families, groups or communities to enhance or restore their capacity for social functioning and creating societal conditions favorable to that goal. 

Question: What are the functions of families? 

Answer: Families reduce competition for spouses. They also regulate the division of labor on the basis of gender. Families also meet the material, educational and emotional needs of children. 

Question: What subjects or issues do sociologists deal with? 

Answer: Human society itself is so complex and multidimensional; sociologists themselves deal with a wide variety of specific subjects and issues. A short list would include such issues as popular culture, the uses of language, social institutions, bureaucracies, social deviance and crimes, human sexuality, class differences, racial and 

ethnic differences, gender differences, marriages and families, education, religion, economics and capitalism, types of political governments, social movements, population changes, and technology. Again, this is only a partial list of subject’s sociologists study. 

Question: What is status quo? 

Answer: The existing conditions or circumstances. There are always those who are interested in maintaining the status quo since they are doing well due to it and others who oppose the status quo since it tends to exploit them or puts them in a disadvantaged position. 

Question: Why is sociology important? 

Answer: It's important because what we're dealing with here is the nature of human society and the social environment that we're all a part of. Sociology frequently deals with some of the most critical and controversial issues concerning us today. No matter how we may feel about these issues or even about each other, we can probably all agree that society is constantly changing and that the need to understand each other is more crucial now than ever. In this sense, that is where sociology and sociologists can hopefully contribute some useful knowledge and wisdom. 

Question: How is sociology different from anthropology? 

Answer: Both sociology and anthropology study societies and cultures. Traditionally, anthropology was more likely to study hunting and gathering, herding, fishing, and other non-industrial societies, while sociology tended to focus more on industrial and post industrial societies. There is also a whole division of anthropology called physical anthropology which examines teeth, bones, and other archeological evidence. Today, anthropologists may study aspects of contemporary culture in all types of societies. They are more likely than sociologists to use qualitative methods of research and less likely to use quantitative methods. Some sociologists use both qualitative and quantitative data. Not all sociologists pay a lot of attention to culture, but most social anthropologists could never ignore culture. 

Question: What is the function of kinship? 

Answer: Vertical Function: Kinship systems provide social continuity by binding together a number of generations Horizontal Function: Kinships provide social solidarity and continuity within the same generation as well. 

Question: How many residence patterns are there? 

Answer: The most common types of residence patterns evidenced around the world are: Patrilocal: the couple can live with or near the relatives of the husband’s father (most prevalent) Matrilocal: the couple can live with or near the relatives of the wife’s father Avunculocal: the couple can live with or near the husband’s mother’s brother Ambilocal or bilocal: the couple can live with or near the relatives of either the wife or the husband Neolocal: Where economic circumstances permit, the couple can also establish a completely new residence of their own. 

Question: What is Gender stratification? 

Answer: Gender stratification contrasts the status assigned by different cultures on the basis of gender. It is important to release that status is itself a multidimensional notion involving issues of economic, social and political empowerment. Stratification on the basis of gender is a common phenomenon. 

Question: What is theory? 

Answer: A theory suggests a relationship between different phenomenons. Theories allow us to reduce the complexity of reality into an abstract set of principles, which serve as models to compare and contrasts different types of realities. 

Question: Name and explain important types of societies? 

Answer: Stratified societies, which are associated with the rise of civilization, range from open class societies, which permit high social mobility, to more rigid caste societies, which allow for little or no social mobility Class societies are associated with achieved status, the positions that the individual can choose or at least have some control over. Caste societies, on the other hand, are based on ascribed statuses into which one is born and cannot change. 

Question: What are the prominent theories of stratification? 

Answer: The Functionalists: Functionalists adopt a conservative position and maintain that social inequality exists because it is necessary for the functioning of society. Functionalists emphasize the integrative nature of stratification, which results in stability and social order. Conflict Theorists: Conflict theorists assume that the natural tendency of all societies is toward change and conflict. Conflict theorists believe that stratification 

exists because the upper classes strive to maintain their superior position at the expense of the lower classes. 

Question: How cultural change occurs? 

Answer: The two principal ways that cultures change are internally through the processes of invention and innovation and externally through the process of diffusion. It is generally recognized that the majority of cultural features (things, ideas, and behavior patterns) found in any society got there by diffusion rather than invention. 

ABSOLUTE POVERTY : Poverty as defined in terms of the minimal requirements necessary to afford minimal standards of food, clothing, health care and shelter. 

BUREAUCRACY : A formal organization marked by a clear hierarchy of authority, the existence of written rules of procedure, staffed by full-time salaried officials, and striving for the efficient attainment of organizational goals. 

CAPITALISM : An economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution in which the goal is to produce profit. 

ACHIEVED STATUS : A position attained through personal ability and effort. 

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION : Government programs intended to assure minorities and women of equal hiring or admission opportunities. 

AGE STRUCTURE : The relative proportions of different age categories in a population. 

AIR POLLUTION : Refers to the contamination of the atmosphere by noxious substances 

ARRANGED MARRIAGE : Marriage based on the family ties rather than the couple's personal preferences. 

ASCRIBED STATUS : A social position that is given at birth (such as race or sex). 

CAPITALISTS : Those who own companies, or stocks and shares, using these to generate economic returns or profits. 

CARRYING CAPACITY : The number of a species that a particular ecosystem can support without suffering irreversible deterioration 

CRUDE DEATH-RATE : A statistical measure representing the number of deaths per thousand population that occur annually in a given population. 

CULTURAL LAG : A dysfunction in the sociocultural system caused by change occurring in one part of the system and the failure of another part of that system to adjust to the change. An example would be married women engaged in outside employment and the continuance of the domestic division of labor. 

CULTURAL SUPERSTRUCTURE : Sociocultural materialism term used to refer to the shared symbolic universe within sociocultural systems. It includes such components as the art, music, dance, rituals, sports, hobbies and the accumulated knowledge base of the system 

CULTURAL TRANSMISSION : The socialization process whereby the norms and values of the group are internalized by individuals. 

CULTURE : The values, norms and material goods shared by a given group. Your instructor prefers to restrict the term to refer to symbolic aspects (values and norms). 

CULTURE OF POVERTY : The view that the poor have a different value system that contribute to their poverty. 

ECONOMY : The organization of production and distribution of goods and services within a sociocultural system. 

EDUCATION : The transmission of knowledge to members of society. The knowledge passed on is in the form of technical and cultural knowledge, technical and social skills, as well as the norms and values of the society. 

EDUCATION SYSTEM : The system of formalized transmission of knowledge and values operating within a given society. 


EGALITARIAN FAMILY : Family arrangement in which power is shared more-or less equally by both the wife and the husband. 

EMIGRATION : The movement of people out of their native land to other countries. 

ENDOGAMY : A system in which an individual may only marry within the same social category or group. 

ENVIRONMENT : The physical, biological and chemical restraints to which action is subject. 

ETHNOCENTRISM : The tendency to judge other cultures by the standards one's own culture. 

FECUNDITY : The number of children which is biologically possible for a woman to produce. 

HIGHER EDUCATION : Usually refers to education beyond high school level, often in colleges or universities. 

IDEOLOGY : Shared ideas or beliefs which serve to justify and support the interests of a particular group or organizations. 

IMMIGRATION : The settlement of people into a country in which they were not born. 

LOCAL KNOWLEDGE : Knowledge of a local community possessed by individuals who spend long periods of their lives in them. 

MALTHUSIANISM : Thomas Malthus' theory of population dynamics, according to which population increase inevitably comes up against the 'natural limits' of food supply. Population grows geometrically (1, 2, 4, 8, 16,. . .) while food supply grows arithmetically (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . .). The debate rages on, there are neo-malthusians and anti malthusians among us today! 

MARRIAGE : A socially approved sexual and economic relationship between two or more individuals. 

MATRILINEAL DESCENT : The tracing of kinship through only the female line 

MINORITY GROUP (OR ETHNIC MINORITY) : A group of people who are defined on the basis of their ethnicity or race. Because of their distinct physical or cultural characteristics, they are singled out for unequal treatment within a society. 

PROFESSIONS : Occupations requiring extensive educational qualifications, with high social prestige, subject to codes of conduct lay down by central bodies (or professional associations). 


SELF (or SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS) : The individual's awareness of being a distinct social identity, a person separate from others. Human beings are not born with self consciousness, but acquire an awareness of self as a result of early socialization. 

SERIAL MONOGAMY : The process of contracting several marriages in succession marriage, divorce, and remarriage. 

SEX : The biological categories of females and males. 

SEX ROLE : The gender specific role behavior that a person learns as a member of a particular society. 

SOCIAL MOBILITY : Movement between different social positions within a stratification system. 

SOCIAL MOVEMENT : A large grouping of people who are organized to bring about, or to block, a a change in the sociocultural system. 

SOCIAL ROLE : The expected patterned behavior of an individual occupying a particular status position. 

SOCIALIZATION : The lifelong processes through which humans develop an awareness of social norms and values, and achieve a distinct sense of self. 

STIGMA : A symbol (or a negative social label) of disgrace that affects a person's social identity. 

STRATIFICATION : The existence of structured inequalities in life chances between groups in society. 


STRUCTURE : Sociological term to refer to all human institutions, groups and organizations. 

SUBCULTURE : A group within the broader society that has values, norms and lifestyle distinct from those of the majority. 

SURPLUS VALUE : Marx's concept for the value of an individual's labor power (calculated by the amount of value the labor contributes to the product minus the amount of money paid to the worker by the capitalist). The conventional name for this difference is profit--thus the whole capitalist system is based on "expropriating" surplus value (or stealing labor) from workers. 

THIRD WORLD : Societies in which industrial production is only developed to a limited degree. Many of these societies were former colonies of industrial states. The majority of the world's population (over 70 percent) live in Third World countries. 

TRANSITIONAL CLASSES : Marx's term to refer to social classes based on previous relations of production which linger on in the beginning stages a new one--such as peasants or landowners of a feudal system which has become capitalist. 

CAUSATION : A 'cause and effect' relationship exists wherever a change in one variable (the independent variable) induces change in another (the dependent variable). Causal factors in sociology include individual motivation as well as many external influences on human behavior that often go unrecognized. 

CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS : An objective awareness of the class system, including the common interests of people within your class. 

COLONIALISM : The process whereby nations establish their political and economic rule over less powerful nations. 

COMMODITY RIOTS : Riots in which the focus of violence is the destruction of property. 

COMMUNICATION : The transmission of information from one individual or group to another. 

COMMUNISM : A set of egalitarian political and economic ideas associated with Karl Marx in which the means of production and distribution system would be owned by the community. "Communism" as developed by Lenin and institutionalized throughout Eastern Europe (until 1990) and China bears little resemblance to Marx's vision. 

DEVIANCE : Behaviors which do not conform to significant norms held by most of the members of a group or society. What is regarded as 'deviant' is highly variable across societies. 

DYSFUNCTION : Refers to an institution's negative impact (or harmful effect) on the sociocultural system. 

ECOSYSTEM : A self-sustaining community of plants and animals within a natural environment. 

ESTATE : A form of stratification established by law. 

ETHNICITY : An ethnic group is one of a common cultural identity, separating them from other groups around them. 

FEMINISM : Advocacy of the social equality of the sexes. 

FERTILITY : The average number of live born children produced by women of childbearing age in a particular society. 

FORCES OF PRODUCTION : Marx's term to refer to the technology used to produce economic goods in a society. 

FUNCTIONS : The ways in which a sociocultural trait contributes toward the maintenance or adaptation of the entire sociocultural system. 

FUNCTIONALISM : A theoretical perspective that focuses on the way various parts of the social system contribute to the continuity of society as well as the affect the various parts have on one another. 

GANG : An informal group of individuals that engage in common activities, many of these activities may be outside the law. 

GHETTO : A section of a city occupied predominantly by members of a single racial or ethnic group, usually because of social or economic pressure. 

HIDDEN CURRICULUM : Behavior or attitudes that are learned at school but which are not a part of the formal curriculum. For example, aspects of classism can often be "unintentionally" conveyed in learning materials. 

INTERGENERATIONAL MOBILITY : Movement up or down the social hierarchy from one generation to another. 


KINSHIP : The network of social relationships which link individuals through common ancestry, marriage, or adoption. 

LATENT FUNCTIONS : The unintended consequences of one part of a sociocultural system. For example, the reform of big city political machines had a lot of unintended consequences on the governability of American cities 

LEGITIMACY : The generally held belief that a particular social institution is just and valid. 

LIFE EXPECTANCY : The number of years a newborn in a particular society can expect to live. Also refers to the number of further years which people at any given age can, on average, expect to live.

LIFE-SPAN : The maximum length of life that is biologically possible for a member of a given species. 

------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

MANAGERIAL CAPITALISM : A change in the control of capitalist enterprises from owners (which predominated in Marx's day) to control by (very well) salaried managers. 

MANIFEST FUNCTION : The intended and known consequences of one part of a sociocultural system. For example, the reform of big city political machines had the intended consequence of limiting (relatively) corruption by city officials 

MASS MEDIA : Forms of communication designed to reach a vast audience without any personal contact between the senders and receivers. Examples would include newspapers, magazines, video recordings, radio and television 

MATERIALISM : The view that 'material conditions' (usually economic and technological factors) have the central role in determining social change. 

MECHANIZATION : The use of machinery to replace human labor. 

MIDDLE CLASS : A social class broadly defined occupationally as those working in white-collar and lower managerial occupations; is sometimes defined by reference to income levels or subjective identification of the participants in the study. 

MIGRATION : The movement of people from one country or region to another in order to settle permanently. 

MORTALITY RATE : The number of deaths that occur in a particular population in a

specified period of time (usually a year). 

NATIONALISM : An individual's internalization of the set of beliefs and values expressing love, pride and identification with a given nation state. Ritual and symbols are important tools in fostering nationalism among the citizenry. 

NEO-LOCALITY : A family residential pattern in which the married couple lives apart from the place of residence of both the bride's and the husband's parents 

NORMS : Rules and expectations of conduct which either prescribes a given type of behavior, or forbids it. 

NUCLEAR FAMILY : A basic family group consisting of married female and male parents and dependent children, living away from other relatives. 

OPEN LINEAGE FAMILY : A family system found in preindustrial Europe in which family relationships are closely intertwined with the local community. 

POLITICAL PARTY : An organization of people with similar interests and attitudes established with the aim of achieving legitimate control of government and using that power to pursue a specific program. 

POLYGYNY : A form of marriage in which a man may have more than one wife. 

SECONDARY GROUP STRUCTURE : A term used in sociocultural materialism to refer to structural groups in which members tend to interact without any emotional commitment to one another. 

SECONDARY LABOR MARKET : Refers to the economic position of individuals
engaged in occupations that provide insecure jobs, poor benefits and conditions of work. SECULARIZATION : A process of decline in the social influence of religion. 

UNCONSCIOUS : Freudian concept refering to motives and ideas unavailable to the conscious mind of the individual. 

UNION : A social organization set up to represent the worker's interests in both the workplace and in the broader society as well. 

UPPER CLASS : A social class roughly composed of the more affluent members of society, especially those who have great wealth, control over businesses or hold large numbers of stocks and shares. 

URBAN ECOLOGY : An analysis of urban life that examines the relationship between the city and its physical surroundings--based on an analogy with the adjustment of plants and organisms to the physical environment. 

URBANIZATION : The increasing concentration of the human population into cities. 

VALUES : Culturally defined standards held by human individuals or groups about what is desirable, proper, beautiful, good or bad that serve as broad guidelines for social life. 

VARIABLE : A characteristic that varies in value or magnitude along which an object, individual or group may be categorized, such as income or age. 

VERTICAL MOBILITY : Movement up or down a social stratification system.

WELFARE : Government aid (in the form of services and money) to the poor. 

WEALTH : Accumulated money and material possessions controlled by an individual, group or organization. 

ZERO POPULATION GROWTH (ZPG) : Population stability achieved when each woman has no more than two children. 

ACID RAIN : The increased acidity of rainfall which is caused by emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from power plants and automobiles. 

ADAPTATION : Refers to the ability of a sociocultural system to change with the demands of a changing physical or social environment. The process by which cultural elements undergo change in form and/or function in response to change in other parts of the system. 

AGE GRADES : System found in some traditional cultures which group the population by sex and age. Age grades go through rites of passage, hold similar rights and have similar obligations. 

AUTHORITY : Power that is attached to a position that others perceive as legitimate. 

BUREAUCRATIZATION : Refers to the tendency of bureaucracies to refine their procedures to ever more efficiently attain their goals. More generally, refers to the process of secondary organizations taking over functions performed by primary groups

CULTURAL PLURALISM : The more or less peaceful coexistence of multiple subcultures within a given society. 

CULTURAL UNIVERSALS : Values or practices shared by all human cultures. 

EXPERIMENT : A research method in which variables can be analyzed under carefully controlled conditions--usually within an artificial situation constructed by the researcher. 

GESELLSCHAFT : According to Toennies, social organization based on loose personal ties, self interest, rationalization, and impersonality. 

GREENHOUSE EFFECT : The accumulation of gasses in the atmosphere that act like the glass roof of a greenhouse, letting sunlight in but trapping the radiant heat. 

IDEAL TYPE : Weber's construct of a 'pure type', constructed by emphasizing logical or consistent traits of a given social item. The traits are defining ones, not necessarily desirable ones. Ideal types do not exist anywhere in reality, rather they are "measures" that we can use in comparing social phenomena. One example is Weber's ideal type of bureaucratic organization (which are anything but desirable). More widely used (and understood) examples would include "ideal democracy" and "ideal capitalism." 

INCOME : Payment of wages usually earned from work or investments. 

INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION : Economic production carried on through the use of machinery driven by inanimate sources of power. 

INDUSTRIALIZATION : The continual expanding application of sophisticated technology designed to efficiently draw energy and raw materials out of the environment
and fashion them for human use. 

INFANT MORTALITY RATE : The number of infants who die during the first year of life, per thousand live births. Infant mortality rates have declined dramatically in industrial societies. 

INFORMAL RELATIONS : Relations in organizations developed on the basis of personal connections. These ties are often used to pursue organizational goals instead of the formally recognized procedures 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN-GROUP : A social group an individual belongs to and identifies with. 

INSTITUTIONAL CAPITALISM : A condition that exists when large institutions such as pension plans, banks, and insurance companies hold large shares of capitalistic enterprises. 

MEANS OF PRODUCTION : Marx's term referring to the means whereby the production of material goods is carried on in a society. Marx included in this concept both technology and the social relations among the producers (based on the ownership of that technology). 

RACE : A socially defined category of people who share genetically transmitted physical characteristics. 

RACISM : The attributing of characteristics of inferiority to a particular racial category. Racism is a specific form of prejudice focused on race. 

REBELLION : Rebellions are aimed at removing particular rulers or regimes rather than bringing about significant structural changes in a society. 

RELATIVE POVERTY : Poverty defined by reference to the living standards of the majority in any given society. 

RESEARCH METHODS : The diverse strategies used to gather empirical (factual) material in a systematic way. 

REVOLUTION : A process of change involving the mobilizing of a mass social movement in order to radically transform the society. 

RIOTS : An outbreak of collective violence directed against persons, property or both. SOCIAL CHANGE : Alteration in social structures or culture over time. 

SOCIAL DARWINISM : An early and now largely discredited view of social evolution emphasizing the importance of "survival of the fittest" or struggle between individuals, groups, or societies as the motor of development. Social Darwinism became widely popular and was often used to justify existing inequalities. 

SOCIAL DISORGANIZATION : A structural condition of society caused by rapid change in social institutions, norms, and values. 

SOCIAL EVOLUTION : Theories of social change which generally hold that human societies move from simple to complex forms of organization. 

SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS : Major structural entitities in sociocultural systems that address a basic need of the system. Institutions involve fixed modes of behavior backed
by strong norms and sanctions that tend to be followed by most members of a society. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

STEREOTYPE : A rigid and inflexible image of the characteristics a group. Stereotypes attribute these characteristics to all individuals belonging to that group. 

ASSIMILATION : A minority group's internalization of the values and norms of the dominant culture. 

CASTE : A closed form of stratification in which an individual's status is determined by birth and cannot be changed. 

CIVIL DISORDERS : Social conflict (such as riots) that the government becomes involved in to restore public order. 

CIVIL RIGHTS : Legal rights held by all citizens in a given state. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

CLAN : A broad extended kin group found in many preindustrial societies. 

CLASS : Most sociologists use the term to refer to socioeconomic differences between groups of individuals which create differences in their life chances and power. 

COMMUNAL RIOTS : Riots in which the focus of violence is other groups (usually other race or ethnic groups). 

COMMUNITY : A group of people who share a common sense of identity and interact

with one another on a sustained basis. 

CONFLICT : A clash of interest (sometimes escalating to active struggle) between individuals, groups or society. 

CULTURAL MATERIALISM : A macro-social theory that attempts to account for the similarities and differences between sociocultural systems by focusing on the environmental constraints to which human action is subject. Your instructor uses a variant of this theory constantly 

DEMOGRAPHY : The scientific study of human population--including size, growth, movement, density, and composition. 

DEPENDENCY THEORY : The thesis that many Third World countries cannot control major aspects of their economic life because of the dominance of industrialized societies. 

DEVIANT SUBCULTURE : A subculture which has values and norms which differ substantially from those of the majority in a society. 

DIFFERENTIAL ASSOCIATION : Theory of crime and delinquency that holds that deviance is learned as a result of long-term interaction with others. 

DIFFERENTIATION : The development of increasing complexity and division of labor within sociocultural systems. 

DIFFUSION : The spread of cultural traits from one sociocultural system to another.

DISCRIMINATION : The denial of equal access to social resources to people on the basis of their group membership. 

DIVISION OF LABOR : The specialization of work tasks or occupations. All societies have some division of labor based on age and sex. But with the development of industrialism the division of labor becomes far more complex which affects many parts of the sociocultural system. 

EXOGAMY : A system in which an individual may only marry outside their social category or group. 

EXTENDED FAMILY : A family group consisting of more than two generations of the same kinship line living either within the same household or, more usually in the west, very close to one another. 

FAMILY : A group of individuals related to one another by blood ties, marriage or adoption. Members of families form an economic unit, the adult members of which are responsible for the upbringing of children. All societies involve some form of family, although the form the family takes is widely variable. In modern industrial societies the main family form is the nuclear family, although a variety of extended family relationships are also found. 

FAMILY OF ORIENTATION : The family into which an individual is born. FEMININITY : The characteristic behaviors expected of women in a given culture. 

GEMEINSCHAFT : According to Toennies, social organization based on close and personal ties and traditional norms and values. 

GENDER : Socially defined behavior regarded as appropriate for the members of each sex. 

GLOBALIZATION : The development of extensive worldwide patterns of economic relationships between nations. 

GREEN REVOLUTION : The tremendous increase in farming productivity that occurred beginning in the 1950s with the application of pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers and the development of plant varieties especially bred to respond to these chemical inputs. 

HUNTING AND GATHERING SOCIETIES : Societies whose subsistence is based primarily on hunting animals and gathering edible plants. 

HYPOTHESIS : A tentative statement about a given state of affairs that predicts a relationship between the variables, usually put forward as a basis for empirical testing. 

IMPERIALISM : The establishing of colonial empires in which domination is both political and economic. 

INSTINCT : A genetically fixed pattern of complex behavior (that is, beyond reflex) which appears in all normal animals within a given species. The behavior of humans is not instinctual. 

INTERNAL COLONIALISM : The economic exploitation of a group within a society whereby their labor is sold cheap and they are made to pay dear for products and services. 

LONGEVITY : A long duration of life Or a long tenure in an organization. 

MASCULINITY : The characteristic forms of behavior expected of men in any given culture. 

MASTER STATUS : A position that is so central to the identity of the individual that it overshadows all other statuses. 

MATRIARCHY : Social organization in which females dominate males. 

MODE OF PRODUCTION : The technology and the practices employed for expanding or limiting basic subsistence production, especially the production of food and other forms of energy. Examples would include the technology of subsistence, technological/environmental relationships, and work patterns. 

MODERNIZATION : The process of general social change brought about by the transition from an agrarian to an industrial mode of production. 

NEO-COLONIALISM : The informal dominance of some nations over others by means of unequal conditions of economic exchange (as between industrial and Third World countries).. 

ORGANIZED CRIME : Criminal activities carried out by organizations established as businesses. 

PASTORAL SOCIETIES : Societies whose subsistence is based on domesticated animals 

PEASANTS : People in agrarian societies who produce food from the land, using traditional farming methods of plow and animal power. Farm workers in agrarian societies. 

PEER GROUP : A friendship group with common interests and position composed of individuals of similar age. 

POLITICS : Attempts to influence governmental activities 

POLLUTION : One of the principal constraints of the environment. Refers to the contamination of soil, water, or air by noxious substances 

POLYANDRY : A form of marriage in which a woman may have more than one husband. 

PRIMARY GROUP STRUCTURE : A term used in sociocultural materialism to refer to structural groups in which members tend to interact on an intimate basis. They perform many functions such as regulating production, reproduction, socialization, education, and 

enforcing social discipline. Examples include family, community, voluntary organizations, and friendship networks. 

RATIONALIZATION : Weber's concept to refer to the process by which modes of precise calculation based on observation and reason increasingly dominate the social world. Rationalization is a habit of thought that replaces tradition, emotion, and values as motivators of human conduct. Bureaucracy is a particular case of rationalization applied to human social organization. 

RECIPROCITY : A system of the exchange of goods based on social ties. 

RELIGION : A set of beliefs involving symbols regarded as sacred, together with ritual practices in which members of the community engage. 

RITUAL : Formalized ceremonial behavior in which the members of a group or community regularly engage. 

SAMPLING : Taking a small representative part of a population for purposes of drawing inferences from the analysis of the sample characteristics to the population as a whole. 

SANCTION : A reward for conformity or a punishment for nonconformity that reinforces socially approved forms of behavior. 

SAPIR-WHORF HYPOTHESIS : The conjecture that people perceive their world through the framework of language. 

SCAPE GOATING : Blaming, punishing, or stigmatizing a relatively powerless individual or group for wrongs that were not of their doing. 

SCIENCE : The application of systematic methods of observation and careful logical analysis; the term also refers to the body of knowledge produced by the use of the scientific method. 

SECONDARY GROUP : A group of individuals who do not know each other on a personal level interacting in pursuit of a goal.

SOCIAL FORCES : The term refers to the fact that society and social organizations exert an influence on individual human behavior. 

SOCIAL GROUPS : Two or more individuals who interact in systematic ways with one another and share a high degree of common identity. Groups may range in size from dyads to large-scale societies. 

SOCIOBIOLOGY : An approach which attempts to explain the social behavior of humans in terms of biological principles. 

SOLID WASTE : Refers to the accumulation of noxious substances. 

STATE : Government institutions ruling over a given territory, whose authority is backed by law and the ability to use force. 

STATUS : A social position within a society. The term can also refer to the social honor or prestige which a particular individual or group is accorded by other members of a society. 

SYMBOL : One item used to meaningfully represent another--as in the case of a flag which symbolizes a nation. 

TABOO : A sociocultural prohibition on some act, person, place, animal, or plant. 

TECHNOLOGY : The application of logic, reason and knowledge to the problems of exploiting raw materials from the environment. Social technologies employ the same thought processes in addressing problems of human organization. Technology involves the creation of material instruments (such as machines) used in human interaction with nature as well as social instruments (such as bureaucracy) used in human organization 

TERRORISM : The use of violence to achieve political ends. Many would restrict the definition to include only those acts committed by non-government groups, but state terrorism is also a major factor in the social world. 

THEORY : Summary statements of general principles which explain regularly observed events. 

TRADITIONAL STATES : Societies in which the production base is agriculture or pastoralism. 

CONFORMITY : Human behavior which follows the established norms of a group or society. The bulk of human behavior is of a conforming nature as people accept and internalize the values of their culture or subculture 

CONSENSUS : Agreement on basic social values by the members of a group or society. 

CONTRADICTION : Marx's term to refer to mutually antagonistic tendencies within institutions or the broader society such as those between profit and competition within capitalism. 

CORPORATIONS : A legally recognized organization set up for profit--the powers and liabilities of the organization are legally separate from the owners or the employees. 

CRIME : Any action that violates criminal laws established by political authority. 

CRUDE BIRTH-RATE : A statistical measure representing the number of births per thousand population within a given year. 

DEFORESTATION : The removal of all trees from an area 

DEMOCRACY : A form of government that recognizes the citizen as having the right to participate in political decision-making, or to elect representatives to government bodies. 

DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION : A stabilization of population level in industrial society once a certain level of economic prosperity has been reached. Population is thought to stabilize because of economic incentives on families to limit the number of children. 

DENSITY : A measure of human crowding usually expressed as the number of people per square mile. 

ECOLOGY : The study of the system of relationships between organisms and their environment. 

ECONOMIC INTERDEPENDENCE : Comte and Durkheim both refer to the fact that in societies with a high division of labor individuals depend more on others to produce most of the goods they need to sustain their lives. 

FAMILY OF PROCREATION : The family we create through marriage. LAW : A written rule established by a political authority and backed by government. MARXISM : Contemporary social theory deriving its main elements from Marx's ideas. 

Marxist theory strongly emphasizes class struggle and material causation. 

MATRILOCALITY : A family residential pattern in which the husband is expected to live near to the wife's parents 

MONOGAMY : A form of marriage that joins one male and one female at any given time. 

MORES : Norms that have strong moral significance, violation of which cause strong social reaction (murder, sexual molestation of children). 

OBJECTIVITY : Objectivity means striving as far as possible to reduce or eliminate bias in the conduct of research. 

ORGANIZATION : A large group of individuals that is formally organized for the purpose of attaining a goal. 

PATRIARCHY : Social organization that structures the dominance of men over women. 

PATRILINEAL DESCENT : The practice of tracing kinship only through the male line. 

POLYGAMY : A form of marriage in which a person may have more than one spouse. 

POSITIVISM : A philosophical position according to which there are close ties between the social and natural sciences, which share a common logical framework. 

POSTINDUSTRIAL SOCIETY : A society based on the production of services and information rather than material goods.A notion advocated by those who believe that the industrial order is passing. 

POWER : The ability to achieve aims or further the interests you hold even when opposed by others. 

POWER ELITE : According to C. Wright Mills the power elite are men in the highest positions of government, corporations and the military who hold enormous power in modern industrial societies. 

PREJUDICE : The holding of unfounded ideas about a group, ideas that are resistant to change. 

PRESTIGE : Social respect accorded to an individual or group because of the status of their position. 

PRIMARY DEVIANCE : The deviant act itself, the violation of a norm. 

PRIMARY GROUP : A typically small group of individuals standing in an enduring personal relationship to one another examples would include parents, spouse, or close friends. 

SOCIALISM : An economic system in which the means of production and distribution of goods and services are publically owned. 

SOCIETY : A society is a group of people who live in a particular territory, are subject to a common system of political authority, and share a common culture. 

SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION : A term used by C. Wright Mills that refers to the application of imaginative thought to the asking and answering of sociological questions. 

SOCIOLOGY : The study of human behavior and societies, giving particular emphasis to the industrialized world. 

SURVEY : A questionnaire or interview. 

SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM : A theoretical approach in sociology which focuses on social reality as constructed through the daily interaction of individuals and places strong emphasis on the role of symbols (gestures, signs, and language) as core elements of this interaction. 

WELFARE STATE : A government system which provides a range of human services for its citizens. 

WHITE-COLLAR CRIME : Criminal activities carried out by white-collar or professional workers in the course of their jobs. 

WORKING CLASS : A social class of industrial societies broadly composed of people involved in manual occupation. The bulk of these jobs are unskilled, poorly paid and provide few benefits or job security.

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SOC101 Solved Paper - Final term  #MCQ's 

Question# 1   

      Whistle, flashing light, thumbs up are all example of ___________.






   Material culture




      Question# 2

       Which one of the following is not an example of non-verbal        communication?









      Question# 3

       How many factors lead to the development of sociology as a discipline?










      Question# 4

       Which of the following is every society's most important primary group?


      Peer group




       Work group


       Play group


       Question# 5

       The recognized and intended consequences of a social pattern are known         as ________.


       Manifest functions


       Latent functions


       Social functions




       Question# 6         Culture includes:


      What we think, how we act and what we own


      Only the material products of a society


      Only the nonmaterial products of a society


      The land around us


      Question# 7

      Salma joined an organization to pursue the goals which she considered       morally worthwhile. Identify the type of organization.










      Question# 8

       Which one of the following is the pioneer of bureaucracy?


                 Karl Marx


                 Max Weber


                 Auguste Comte


                 Herbert Spencer




Question# 9

____________ Perspective argues that social stratification benefits some people at the expense of others.  



                 Social conflict












Question# 10

___________ Functions are recognized and intended consequences of a social pattern. 














                   None of the given options 



Question# 11

________ is an act of moving from one social class to another.



                   Social mobility


                   Social stratification



                   Inter-class mobility



                  Economic mobility



Question# 12

____________ is a social group of two or more people, related by blood and marriage who usually live together.














Question# 13

________ is a form of marriage uniting one male and two or more females.












            Group marriage



   Question# 14   

   ___________ is the first and most influential setting for socialization.



                  Peer group










Question# 15


____________ stratification refers to society’s unequal distribution of wealth, power and privilege between men and women. 


















 Question# 16

The government of Pakistan, pursuing the policy of Education for All (EFA),           expects that by ___________ all children will complete their primary education.













                  Question# 17

       Erving Goffman uses the term ___________ which refers to attributes that discredit people.  







                   Degradation ceremony   




                   Deviant ritual  



                   Secondary identity 



Question# 18

The CBR refers to ___________.



                   Child birth rate



                   Crude baby rate



                   Child birth ratio



                   Crude birth rate



Question# 19

According to 1998 Population Census of Pakistan, __________ percent of the population was of children under 15 years.















Question# 20

The population growth rate (PGR) of the world was __________ percent in 2002.











Question# 20

The ________ is “Crude” because it does not take into account the risk of having births. 












                   None of the given options



Question# 21

__________ is the study of interaction of living organisms and the natural environment.















Question# 22

________ is the transfer of cultural traits from one place or group to another.
















Question# 23

 In which of the following perspective there is a general emphasis on the crucial   contribution of patriarchy (male domination) to gender inequalities? 


             Functional perspective 


             Conflict perspective 


             Interactionist perspective 


             Feminist perspective  


 Question# 24

Which concept refers to a social group with only two members? 


             A bond 

                 A primary group 


             A dyad 


             A triad 


Question# 25

Being able to evaluate oneself from the perspective of several significant others    is known as __________ stage. 


           Generalized Other 









Which of the following view depict that family’s support the concentration of wealth and reproduce the class structure in each succeeding generation? 


            Structural functional


            Social Conflict (doubted) 


            Symbolic interaction 


            Feminist perspective 


Question# 27

Ali is a four year child, he is hungry but he does not know how to take food. Which of the following process will involve in getting his food? 










Question# 28

Schools informally convey other lessons to students which is known as _____________. 



            Hidden curriculum 






Question# 29

Pollution leading to physical harm/death, and there are side effects of drugs as well as contraceptives. Such crimes are often seen as: 


              Crimes of the powerful 




             Organized crime 


             Corporate crime 


Question# 30

Thinking of society as a living organism in which each part of the organism contributes to its survival is a reflection of which theoretical perspective?  



             The functionalist (doubted) 


             The symbolic-interactionist 


             Feminist perspective 


Question# 31

Which one of the following gives the concept of “looking glass self” the process by which a sense of self develops?               G. H. Mead 


             G. Summner 


             Sigmund Freud 


             C.H Cooley


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