ISl202 Final Term Past Paper all in one Mega file


ISl202 Solved Paper For Final term by Moaaz, Waqar Sidhu, Hadi, and Others - Cognitive Help!

Isl202 Solved Paper - Final term file #MCQ's & Subjective

l). Which Surah starts without Bismillah:

a)  Al-Baqara

b)  Al-Nisa

c)  Al-Toba

d)  Al-Ikhlas

2) _ A male is coffined/wrapped in    dressed sheets:

a.       1

b.      2

c.       3

d.      4

3). Amount Of zakat cannot be used in


a)                 Madrassah

b)                 Mosque

c)                 Hospital a)   Mishkat

b)  Bukhari

c)   Bukhari and Muslim

d)  Ibne Majah

5). Jehad become mandatory in          


b) 2 AH

d) 4 AH

6) _ Which one is called Masha'ar-ul-Haram:

a)   Mina valley

b)  Muzdalifa valley

c)   Arafat

7). Who was the first martyre in Islam:

a)  Hazrat Hamza (RA)

b)  Hazrat Yasir (RA)

c)  Hazarat Sumaya (RA)

8) _ Who first embraced Islam among women:

a)   Hazrat Fatima (RA)

b)  Hazrat Zainab (RA)

c)   Hazrat Khadija (RA)

d)  Hazrat Ayesha (RA)

9) _ What is Istelam:

a)   Salam to Kaaba

b)  Salam to Hajre Aswad

c)   Kissing Hajre Aswad

d)  Praying at Muqam-e-lbrahim

10) Who collected Quranic verses in one place:

a)   Hazrat Umar (RA)

b)  Hazrat Abdullah ibne Abbas (RA)

c)   Hazrat Abdullah ibne Masud (RA)

d)  Hazrat Usman (RA)

11. How much Surah the Quran contains:

a.   124

b.  109

c.   114

d.  220

12. The Nisab of Zakat in gold is:

a.  18 Tolas

b.  24 Tolas

c.  71/2 tolas

d. 35 Tolas

13. A Verse of the Holy Quran indicates the name of:

a.   Hazrat Usman

b.  Hazrat Muaaz

c.   Hazrat Saad

d.  Hazrat Zaid

14. A Muslim female is coffined in:

a.   Eight Sheets

b.  Five Sheets

c.   One Sheet

d.  Ten Sheets

15. The original name of Imam Bukhari is:

a.  Saeed bin Hatem

b.  Ali

b. Zaid


d. Muhammad bin Ismail

16.                   Makkah was conquered in:

a)      8 A.H

17.                   Qurbani (Holy Slaughtering) is made during Hajj at:

a.   Arafat

b.  Mina


d. Safa

18. Jami-i-Quran is taken for:

a.   Hazrat Ali (R_A)

b.  Hazrat Saad (R.A)

c.   Hazrat Usman (R.A)

d.  Hazrat Masood (R.A)

19. Pious-Caliphate lasted for about:

a.  Eighteen Years

b.  Twenty Years

c.  Thirty Years

d.  Five Years

20. Gathering on Arafat during Hajj is made on:

a.   9th Zil Hajj ah

b.  3rd Ramazan

c.   2nd Safar

d.  18 Shawal

21. How many stages the Quran contains?

A) 7

22. Who was the first writer of "Wahi" in Quraish ?

(a)   Harat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA)

(b)   Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA)

(c)   Hazrat Abdulla bin Zubair (RA)

(d)   Hazrat Ibn Masuod (RA)

23. Kitab-ul-Assar is compiled by:

(a)  Imam Abu Hanifah (RA)

(b)  Imam Shaft (RA)

(c)  Imam Malik (RA)

(d)  Imam Humbal (RA)

24. Imam Shafi took the office of "Religious Judgment" in the age of:

(a)    13 years

(b)   14 years

(c)    20 years

(d)   15 years

25. What was the name of faster sister of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?

(a)   Hazrat Salman (RA)

(b)   Hazrat Raqiyyah (RA)

(c)   Hazrat Mariah (RA)

(d)   Hazrat Shima (RA)

26. Namaz-e-lstisqa" is prayer for:

(a)   Blessing Of God

(b)  Pardon

(c)   Rain

(d)  Sleep

27. Who is called "saqi zam zam"?

(a)  Hazrat Abbas (RA)

(b)  Hazrat Hamzah (RA)

(c)  Hazrat Muaz bin Jabal CRA)

(d)  Hazrat Muawiyah (RA)

28. The "Kissing of the Hajr-e-Aswad" is called:

(a)   Saee

(b)  Mabroor

(c)   Istelam

(d)  Shaut

29. What is the number of Ramzan in the Islamic Calender?

(a)  8th

(b) 9th

(C) 10th

(d) 11th

30. Give the name, who compiled first work of Hadith "Sahifa-e-Sadiqa."

(a)   Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)

(b)   Imam Muslim (RA)

(c)   Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr (RA)

(d)   Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA)

31. Who advised Abu Bakr (R.A) to compile the Quran:

a.  Hazrat Umar (R.A)

b. Hazrat Uthman (R.A)

c.  Hazrat Ali (R_A)

d. Hazrat Zaid (R_A)

32. The Nisab of Zakat in Silver is:

b.  50 Tolas

c.   50 Tolas

d.  52 1/2 Tolas

33. The Prophet made Hazrat Muaaz bin Jabal the Governor of:

a.   Kufa

b.  Makkah

c.   Medina

d.  Yaman

34. Who are the "Sahibain"?

a.  Abu Hanifah and Abu Yusuf

b.  Abu Hanifah and Imam Shaibani

c.  Abu Yusuf and Imam Shaibani

d.  Abu Hanifah and Imam Shaft

35. Hajj is not completed unless you go to:

a.   Makkah

b.  Medina

c.   Mina

d.  Arafat

36. "Kitab-a1-Umm" is written by:

a.  Abu Hanifa

b.  Imam Malik

c.  Imam Shafi

d.  Ahmad bin Hambal

36. The foundation of Bait UI-Hikmah was laid down during:

a.  Abbasid Period

b.  Ummayad Dynasty

c.  Fatmid

d.  Sub-Continent

37. What is the number of month Rajab" in Islamic Calendar?

a.   First

b.  7th

C. 5th

d. Eleventh

38. First Mujadid was Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Who was the second one?

a_ Ibn-e-Taimya b. Imam Ghizali

c.   Ahmad Sirhindi

d.  Shah Waliullah

39. Sahifa Hammam bin Munabih was found by:

a.  Mufti M. Abduhu

b.  Rasheed Ahmad Raza

C. Dr. Hamidullah

d. Dr. Zakir Naik

40. In which Surat of Quran there is mention of Zulqarnain?

a.   A'ssuff

b.  Alkahaf

c.   Al Mujadala

41. Muslims are the best of all due to:

a.   Justice

b.  Moderation

c.   Truthfulness

42. Sahib Us-Ser is the nickname of:

a.  Hazrat Khuzaifa (R.A)

b. Hazrat Uqba (R_A)

c.  Hazrat Saad (R.A)

43. Masjide Khief is located in:

a.  Muzdilifa

b.  Arafaat

c.  Minna

44. Who was appointed as Usher for Hijrate-Madinah?

a.  Hazrat Saad bin Ubada (RA)

b.  Hazrat Utab bin Usaid (R_A)

c.  Hazrat Abdullah bin Ariqat (R.A)

45. When law of inheritence was revealed?

a.   Three Hijre

b.  Four Hijree

c.   Five Hijree

46. Who was the last Commander in Chief for Ghazwa-e-Mautah?

a.  Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)

b. Abdur Rehman bin Auf (R_A)

c.  Abdullah bin Rawaha (R.A)

47. Imam Dar ul Hijrat is the title of:

a.   Imam Ahmad bin Hunbal

b.  Imam Malik

c.   Imam Shafee

48The word Muhammad (SAW) as a name has been mentioned in Quran only:

(a) Two times

(b) Four times

c) Six times

d) Seven times   (d) None Of these

49. Khateeb —ul-Anbia as a title of:

(a)   Hazrat Idress (AS)

(b)  Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

(C) Hazrat Yaqpob (AS)

 (d) Hazrat Shoaib (AS)

(e) None Of these

50.Hazrat Umer (RA) appointed as custodian of Bait-ill-Mai:

(a) Abdullah bn Irqum (RA)

(b)Abdullah bin Umar (RA)

(c) Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) (d) Abudllah bin Zubair (RA)           e)None Of these

51. The effective Zakat System can ensure the elimination of:

a.      Poverty

(b)  Interest

(c)  Class Distinction (d) Ignorance

e) None Of these

52. A Verse of the Holy Quran indicates the name of:

(a)             Hazarat Muaaz (RA)

(b)             Hazrat Bilal (RA)

(c)             Hazrat Saad (RA) (d) Hazrat Zaid (RA) e) None of these

53. Masjid Zu Qiblatain is situated in:

(a)  Madina

(b)  Mukkah

(c)  Taif

(d)  Jabal-e-Noor (e) None of these

54. Who were a Historian, justice, philospher as well as Politician?

(a) Shams ud din bin Khalkan

(b)Abdur Rehman bin Khaldun

(c)   Abu Bakar Muhammad Yahya

(d)  Muhammad bin Essa

(e)   None Of these

55. Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah twice:

(a)   Al Nehal

(b)   Al Namal

(c)   Al Ahzaab

(d)   Al Noor

(e)   None Of these

56.Had -e- Qazaf (False Accusation) is:

(a) 50 Lashes (b) 70 Lashes

c) 80 Lashes (d) 90 Lashes

(e) None Of these

57. Ada Bin Hatam Thai embraced Islam in:

(a)   3 Hijri

(b)   6 Hijri

(c)   9 Hijri

(d)   I I Hijri

(e)   None Of these

58. Wealth obtained from a mine is liable to:

(a)   Zakat

(b)   Khumus

(c)   Sulus

(d)   Rubah

None Of these

59. Sadaq-e-Eid-ul-fitr has been proclaimed in the year:

(a)  2 Hijri

(b)  3 Hijri

(c)  4 Hijri

(d)  5 Hijri

(e)  None of these

60.1mam-e-Dar-ul-Hijrat was a title of:

(a)   Imam Ahm ad

(b)   Imam Malik

(v) Imam Shaafi

(d)  Imam Muhammad

(e)   None Of these

61. The seal affixed on important letters by prophet (SAW) was in the Custody of:

(a)   Hazrat Ali CRA)

(b)  Hazrat Qais RA

(c)   Hazrat khuzaifa (RA)

(d)  Hazrat Bilal (RA)

(e)   None Of these

62.Ameen —ul-Umat is the title of Hazrat:

(a) Emar bin Yasir (RA)

(b) Suleman Farsi (RA)

(c)  Abu-ubaida bin Al jaraah (RA)

(d)  Abu Saeeed Khuzir (RA)

(e)  None Of these

63.River Neil was declared as Sayed-ulAnhar by Hazrat:

(a)   Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)

(b)   hazrat Umer (RA)

(c)   hazrat Usman (RA)

(d)   Hazrat Ali CRA)

(e)   None Of these

64.Umm-ul-Masakeen was the title given to one of the wives of the Prophet (SAW):

(a)   Harat Sauda (RA)

(b)  Hazrat Zainab benet Jehash (RA)

(c)   Hazrat Zainab benet Khuzima (RA)

(d)  Hazrat Safia (RA)

(e)   none Of these

65.Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) gave the key of Bait Ullah permanently to Hazrat:

(a)   Umara Bin Utba

(b)  Hanzla bin Abi Aamir

(c)   Usman bin Talha

(d)  Abdullah B in Aamir

(e)   None Of these

66.Arafat gathering is held on:

8 Zil hali

(b)    9 Zil hajj

(c)    10 Zil hajj

(d)    12 Zil haii

(e)    None Of these

67.Which one of the following is included amongst the Ushera-e- Mubhashera:

(a)   Saad Bin Ubaid

(b)  Saad bin Abada

(c)   Saad Bin Abi waqas

(d)  hazrat Hamza

(e)   none Of these

Isl202 Solved Paper - Final term file #MCQ's & Subjective ~From others

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