CS001 Final Term Past Paper all in one Mega file


CS001 Solved Paper For Final term by Moaaz, Waqar Sidhu, Hadi, and Others Cognitive Help!

CS001 Solved Paper - Final term 2018 (1) #MCQ's & Subjective


Total Question: 50 

Mcq : 40 

Long Question : 10 

Q1. Use MS word to format the following. For example after formating X2 would result into X2 . H2O, SO2, H2SO4 (Marks 3) 

Q2. Suppose we have some data in MS excel file. Write all steps to find the min from the cell C1 to C6 with  data 114, 165, 178, 143, 130, 179 using MIN formula. (Marks 5) 

Q3. Write steps to add www.amazon.com in your favourite list with the name of “Shopping Wbsite”. (Marks  5) .

Q4. Prepare a power point slide as follows: 

Write title “Virtual University of Pakistan” , Font: Arial Black Size 32 

Background of slide must be orange color. 

Table was given and you just have to draw that table in slide. After that copy that Slide and paste in exam  application. (Marks 5) 

Q5. Write four ways how to connect your computer with internet. (Marks 5).


Q6. Name any three browers. (Marks 3) 

Q7. Write any three types of Slides layout designs in Powerpoint (Marks 3) .

Q8. Question comes from Microsoft word where u want to apply format styling. (Marks 5) Q9. How can we save any image like SAVE as from website. 

Q10. Some values were shown in excel sheet and you have to identify that the given SUM formula is right or  wrong. If wrong then how? 


CS001 Solved Paper - Final term 2012 (1) #MCQ's & Subjective

Question No: 41 (Marks: 2) 

What is the difference between closing and exiting? 


Closing removes the particular part of the program if it is used on the main screen or window. On the other hand,  exit means to close the files and applications.

Question No: 42 (Marks: 2) 

How we can print more than one slide per page in PowerPoint? 

Question No: 43 29 (Marks: 2) 

How we can Bookmark a Web page? 


To Bookmark a Web page in internet explorer select the "Bookmarks" options and clicking "Save" in the drop down  menu. Save, edit or add a bookmark to a web browser to find a site quickly on the Internet. It is located in the  location bar of the internet explorer. 


Question No: 44 (Marks: 2) 

Define standard and status bars. 


Standard Bar: 

A standard bar contains icons for functions such as file management, printing, editing, formatting and calculating.  It is located just below the menu bar in an application window.. 

Status Bar: 

A horizontal line of information displayed at the bottom of an application window. It reports information about the  current status of the program or the data contents in the window. 

Question No: 44 (Marks: 2) 

Here is the data for the sales of Apples for year 2007, using excel apply the formula to calculate the Harmonic


Mean of sales using HARMEAN function 

(Statistics Category) and give the result in the answer area, .














Question No:45 (Marks: 3) 

Describe the function of the following short cut keys in PowerPoint: 

Description Column B .

To redo an action that has just been undone CTRL+Y 

It creates a new presentation window CTRL+N 

This is to open a search browser to open a saved file in the computer CTRL+O 

Question No: 46 (Marks: 3) 

How we can change the Web browser Home Page/Start page? 


Question No: 47 (Marks: 3) 

a. What is electronic mailing? Give its basic concept and usage.

Electronic mail, also written as E-mail, is an electronic transmission of messages, letters and documents. It  includes point to pointservices in which text file, that is, sent or received can be edited. The basic concept of E-mail  is to send and receive messages as quickly as possible with the addition of sounds, graphics, links and etc, which  can never be possible through the old postage system as that took long and also has to go through countries  borders.

E-mail typically is used for conversations that are not urgent and for dialogues that are expected to continue over a  period of time. The structure of e-mail eliminates interruptions associated with telephone conversations or  electronic pagers. It also permits asynchronous communication, which can benefit both the sender and the recipient  in our busy society. 

b. What are Computer Viruses? 


A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer. .The term "virus" is also  commonly but mistakenly used to refer to other types of malware, including but not limited to ad ware and spy ware  programs that do not have the reproductive ability.. Viruses can increase their chances of spreading to other


computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another computer. Example: Trojan horses. .

Question No: 48 (Marks: 3) 

What is slide layout? Is there any way to change the default layout of the slide? If yes, then explain in your own  words. .


The slide layout in PowerPoint is the arrangement of all the items that make up your slide, such as title, graphics or  text boxes. Yes we can change the default layout. .

To modify the layout, first you will need to go into the view tab and then click on the slide master button. Then click  on the first slide, and changes that you make to this slide will be used by the other layout slides shown below the  slide master. Use all of the tools on the tab to set the dimensions, theme and background styles for your slides. When you have finished this, click in the title text box and use the tools in the drawing tools format tab and the  home tab in order to modify the style of your text. Next click on the contents text box and change the styles for the  different levels of text. 

Question No: 49 (Marks: 5) 

How we can modify column widths and row heights? .


By placing the mouse on the edge of the grid of the column or row, the pointer will change its shape and drag the  pointer then to adjust its width. 

Question No: 50 ( Marks: 5 ) 

What is the difference between closing and exiting? .


It is only document close but not the software e.g. Microsoft word, excel...etc. 


When we press exit it close the whole document, excel...Etc along with software 

Question No: 51 ( Marks: 5 ) 

How we can insert clip art in PowerPoint presentation. 


Select the clip copy it with CTRL+C and past it on power point slide CTRL+V. 

Question No: 52 ( Marks: 5 ) 

How we can delete a bookmark 

Go to Favorites bring mouse pointer on the book mark you want to

CS001 Solved Paper - Final term 2013 (1) #MCQ's & Subjective

0 Mcqs question thy 

4 question of 2 

4 question of 3 

4 question of 5 

Total marks 80 

time 2 hours 

Question Nai 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

In excel the intersection of a row and a column is called: .


a field. 

a cell. 

an equation. 

Question Nai 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

Which is an absolute address? 


10700 - 105 Ave. 


None of these 

Question Nai 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one .

Which one is a relative address? 




None of these 


Question Nai 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

Which one is a relative address? 




None of these 

Question Nai 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

____ refers to the amount of data, instructions, and information that can travel over a 

communications channel. 


Transfer rate 




Question Nai 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

The private combination of characters associated with a user name that allows access to certain computer resources is called a(n) ____ .

audit trail 


possessed object 

biometric device 

Question Nai 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one .

Pressing the key once and releasing it is called a 

Key stroke 

Key strike 

Key action 

None of these 


Question Nai 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

An unsolicited e-mail message sent to many recipients at once is known as ____. 


E-mail spam 

c. junk mail 

d. a Web bug 

Junk mail 

a Web bug 


Question Nai 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

Which formula can add the all the numeric values in a range of cells, ignoring those 

which are not numeric and place the result in a different cell ? 




None of these 

Which format is used to insert the picture in power point .




.jpg .wmv .grv 


Shortcut key of printer 



Shortcut key to aligned the paragraph in word 



A type of communications device that connects a communications channel to a sending or receiving device is a  _____. 


Number of space in typing 

Tab key 

Switiching between the document Alt+tab www.cognitivehelping.blogspot.com

Which one is the email address 


Question Nai 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

A(n) ____ line has transfer rates of 128 Kbps to 8.45 Mbps. 

► DSL 


► ATM 

► Fractional T1 


Question Nai 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

____ refers to the amount of data, instructions, and information that can travel over a communications channel. ► Latency 

► Transfer rate 

► Bandwidth 

► Broadband 

Question Nai 15 ( Marks: 1 ) Please choose one 

Windows is software developed by www.cognitivehelping.blogspot.com

► Sun 

► Java

► Html 

► Microsoft 

The problem face by software companies is ____ .

► vandalism 

► piracy 

► theft 

ftp stands for 

file transfer protocol 

Question Nai 19 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one .

Which of the following is intangible? 

ANS► Software 

► Hard disk 

► Optical disk 

► Computer Mouse 


Question Nai 20 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one 

Tab key is a 

► Non-typing key 

ANS►Typing key 

► Toggle key 

► Application key 

Which one formula is correct 




Which one is the cell address in excel 




How to delete the worksheet in excel? 2 markes 

How to open and close the document in ms word? 2 markes 

In internet explorer, which key is used to go to the end of the document? 2 markes 

In power point in diffault screen layout how can you add the text? 2markes


Question Nai 31 (Marks: 3) 

Here is the data for the sales of Apples for year 2007, using excel apply the formula to calculate the total salary  and write the formula with answer? 







June .








Using the excel take the max of given value and write the steps? 3markes 

Define two different method to open presentation file? 5 markes 

If you give the assignemt to write the application to virtual university of Pakistan, then write your steps? 5markes If give a task to print out the document then how will you take the print out Ms word?5 markes Using the line space 2.0 make the line space difernce given line and past it on the answer sheet?5 markes

CS001 Solved Paper - Final term 2014 (1) #MCQ's & Subjective.

40 Mcqs question thy 

4 question of 2 

4 question of 3 

4 question of 5 

Total marks 80 

time 2 hours 

1.flow chart define and what is conditional and structre loop..5 

2.define comprihensive defination of animation and what is tweening process..5 

3.define database and what is working... 

4.e-mail service define alternate backdraws. .

Trojan horses k bary me aik question tha, 

lecture 31 (presentation development) imp,developer report to...., 

describe four internet services 

,is the function of URL and BROWSER is same,discuss in detail? 

describe difference b/w RAM and ROM ,ERREOR in RDBS. 


Network predigm, binary ,testing and heauristic related mcq. 

just recall your mid term exams & prepare past vu exams u will b able to solve 85% paper what is num### error 


create shortcut 

what is ram and what kind of rams available in market 

status bar 


Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

In excel the intersection of a row and a column is called: .


a field. 

a cell. 

an equation. 

Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

Which is an absolute address? .


10700 - 105 Ave. 


None of these 

Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

Which one is a relative address? 




None of these 


Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

Which one is a relative address? 




None of these


Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

____ refers to the amount of data, instructions, and information that can travel over a communications channel. 


Transfer rate 




Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

The private combination of characters associated with a user name that allows access to certain computer resources is called a(n) ____ .

audit trail 


possessed object 

biometric device 


Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

Pressing the key once and releasing it is called a .

Key stroke 

Key strike 

Key action 

None of these 


Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

An unsolicited e-mail message sent to many recipients at once is known as ____.


E-mail spam 

c. junk mail 

d. a Web bug 

Junk mail 

a Web bug


Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 

Which formula can add the all the numeric values in a range of cells, ignoring those which are not numeric and place the result in a different cell ? 




None of these 

Which format is used to insert the picture in power point 




.jpg .wmv .grv 

Shortcut key of printer 




Shortcut key to aligned the paragraph in word 


A type of communications device that connects a communications channel to a sending or receiving device is  a _____.


Number of space in typing 

Tab key 

Switiching between the document Alt+tab 

Which one is the email address

Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one 


A(n) ____ line has transfer rates of 128 Kbps to 8.45 Mbps.

► DSL 


► ATM 

► Fractional T1 


Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one .

____ refers to the amount of data, instructions, and information that can travel over a communications channel. ► Latency

► Transfer rate 

► Bandwidth 

► Broadband 


Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) Please choose one .

Windows is software developed by 

► Sun 

► Java 

► Html 

► Microsoft 


The problem face by software companies is ____.

► vandalism 

► piracy 

► theft 

ftp stands for 

file transfer protocol 


Question No: 19 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one .

Which of the following is intangible? 

ANS► Software 

Hard disk 

Optical disk 

Computer Mouse 


Question No: 20 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one .

Tab key is a 

Non-typing key 

ANS►Typing key 

Toggle key 

Application key 

Which one formula is correct 




Which one is the cell address in excel 



How to delete the worksheet in excel? 2 markes 

How to open and close the document in ms word? 2 markes 

In internet explorer, which key is used to go to the end of the document? 2 markes

In power point in diffault screen layout how can you add the text? 2markes 

Question No: 31 (Marks: 3) .

Here is the data for the sales of Apples for year 2007, using excel apply the formula to calculate the total  salary and write the formula with answer? 













December .

Using the excel take the max of given value and write the steps? 3markes 

Define two different method to open presentation file? 5 markes 

If you give the assignemt to write the application to virtual university of Pakistan, then write your steps? 5markes If give a task to print out the document then how will you take the print out Ms word?5 markes Using the line space 2.0 make the line space difernce given line and past it on the answer sheet?5 markes

CS001 Solved Paper - Final term 2018 (1) #MCQ's & Subjective

40 Mcqs question thy 

4 question of 2 

4 question of 3 

4 question of 5 

Total marks 80 

time 2 hours 

1.flow chart define and what is conditional and structre loop..5 

2.define comprihensive defination of animation and what is tweening process..5 

3.define database and what is working... 

4.e-mail service define alternate backdraws. .



Trojan horses k bary me aik question tha, 

lecture 31 (presentation development) imp,developer report to...., 

describe four internet services 

,is the function of URL and BROWSER is same,discuss in detail? 

describe difference b/w RAM and ROM ,ERREOR in RDBS. 


Network predigm, binary ,testing and heauristic related mcq. 

just recall your mid term exams & prepare past vu exams u will b able to solve 85% paper  what is num### error 


create shortcut

what is ram and what kind of rams available in market  

status bar  


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